Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX2090 .C38 1554 | This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout a long with houtonyser chyng [sic]/ with many prayers & goodly pyctures in the kalender/ in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse/ in the/ vii. psalmes .and in the dyryge. ; And benewly enprynted at Rouen. | 1 |
BX2090 .C38 1556 | This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout along with houtonyser chyng [sic]/ with many prayers/ & goodly pyctures in the kalender in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse. in the. vii. psalmes and in the dyryge. ; And benewly enprynted at Rouen. | 1 |
BX2090.C38 1565 | [The primer and cathechisme set forth at large, with many godly prayers] | 1 |
BX2090.C38 1566 | The primer, and cathechisme, set forth at large, wyth many godly praiers ne- nessarie for all faith-full Christians to reade. | 1 |
BX2090 .G33 | The Christian sodality, or, Catholick hive of bees sucking the hony of the Churches prayers from the blossome of the word of God blowne out of the epistles and Gospels of the divine service throughout the yeare / | 2 |
Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kale[n]der, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse in the. vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. |
2 |
BX2090 .P74 1632 | The primer, or office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in English. According to the Roman vse. | 1 |
BX2090 .P75 | The primer, or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in Latin and English. According to the reformed Latin and with lyke graces priuileged. | 1 |
BX2090 .P75 1540 | [The primer in Englishe and Laten] [... with the exposicion of Miserere and In te domine speraui and with the epistles and gospels.] | 1 |
BX2090 .P756 1552 | The primer, and cathechisme, sette furthe by the kynges highnes and his clergie, to be taught, learned, and redde, of all his louing subiectes al other set apart corrected accordyng to the statute, made in the thirde and iiii. yere, of our souereigne Lordes the kynges maiestie reigne. | 1 |
BX2090 .T49 1538 | Thys prymer in Englyshe and in Laten is newly trāslatyd after the Laten texte | 1 |
BX2095.B66 B76 1996 | The Book of Cerne : prayer, patronage, and power in ninth-century England / | 2 |
BX2095 .B74 1545 | [Fifteen oes] | 1 |
BX2095 .C65 | The contract and testament of the soule. | 1 |
The treasury of deuotion contayning diuers pious prayers, & exercises both practicall, and speculatiue : togeather vvith the seauen little offices in Latin and English : and sundry other deuotions, for yong beginners in vertue / [Desponsacio virginis xpristo. Spousage of a virgin to Christ] |
2 |
BX2095 .K4 1685 | A Manual of prayers and litainies [sic], distributed according to the dayes of the week; with other excellent devotions, fitted for all persons and occasions. | 1 |
BX2095 .M36 |
A Manuel of devout prayers and other Christian devotions fitted for all persons and occasions : much corrected from the errors of former editions. A Manual of devout prayers and other Christian devotions fitted for all persons and occasions / A Manual of prayers and litanies: distributed according to the days of the week. : With other excellent devotions, fitted for all persons and occasions. |
5 |
BX2095 .M36 1555 | Manuale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis, contine[n]s ecclesie sacramenta, & modu[m] administra[n]di ea: cu[m] multis alijs co[m]moditatibus que in ceteris desiderantur. | 1 |
BX2095 .M36 1675 | A manual of devout prayers fitted for all persons and occasions | 2 |
BX2095 .M36 1682 | A Manual of prayers and litanies distributed according to the dayes of the week : with other excellent devotions, fitted for all persons and occasions. | 2 |