Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2218 .L48 2005eb Sacrifice and community Jewish offering and Christian Eucharist / 1
BX2220 .B37 John Barclay his defence of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist to the sectaries of the times book II, chap. II / 2
BX2220 .B52 Notable textes of the Scriptures which declare of what vertue/ strength and holines the pixed or boxed God is: with also what fayth/ hope ãd confidence is to be put in him. 1
BX2220 .B87 1984 Eucharistic presence and conversion in late thirteenth-century Franciscan thought / 2
BX2220.B9 S75 1676 A relation of a conference, held about religion, at London, the third of April, 1676 1
BX2220 .C366 1657 The Catholick doctrine of transubtantiation proued to be ancient and orthodoxall against the sclanderous tongue of D. Iohn Cozens a Protestants minister auouching the sayd doctrine neuer to haue been knowne, in the Church before the Councels of Latteran and of Trent. 1
BX2220 .C67 1679 The history of popish transubstantiation to which is premised and opposed the catholic doctrin of Holy Scripture, the antient fathers and the reformed churches about the sacred elements, and presence of Christ in the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist / 2
BX2220 .D57 A discourse against transubstantiation, delivered in a sermon at St. Warbrough's Church, Dublin, on the 17th of September, 1699. / 1
BX2220 .D83 A treatise, written by an author of the communion of the Church of Rome, touching transubstantiation wherein is made appear, that according to the principles of that church, this doctrine cannot be an article of faith. 2
BX2220 .F58 1993 In Breaking of Bread / 1
BX2220 .G67 An answer to A discourse against transubstantiation 1
BX2220 .H88 A rational discourse concerning transubstantiation in a letter to a person of honor from a Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge. 2
BX2220 (INTERNET) The supper of our Lord set foorth according to the truth of the Gospell and Catholike faith
A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation.
An historical treatise
Transusbstantiation examin'd and confuted in two sermons on the Lord's Supper /
John Barclay his defence of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist to the sectaries of the times book II, chap. II /
A boke made by Iohn Frith prisoner in the tower of London answeringe vnto M mores lettur which he wrote agenst the first litle treatyse that Ioh̄n Frith made concerninge the sacramente of the body and bloude of, christ vnto which boke are added in the ende the articles of his examinacion before the bishoppes ... for which Iohn Frith was condempned a[n]d after bur[n]et ... the fourth daye of Iuli. Anno. 1533.
A brief declaracion of the Lordes Supper
Roman tradition examined as it is urged as infallible against all mens senses, reason, the Holy Scripture, the tradition and present judgment of the far greatst part of the Universal Church; in the point of transubstantiation; in answer to a book called A rational discourse of transubstantiation.
A revievv of ten publike disputations or conferences held vvithin the compasse of foure yeares, vnder K. Edward & Qu. Mary, concerning some principall points in religion, especially of the sacrament & sacrifice of the altar. VVherby, may appeare vpon how vveake groundes both catholike religion vvas changed in England; as also the fore-recounted Foxian Martyrs did build their new opinions, and offer themselues to the fire for the same, vvhich vvas chiefly vpon the creditt of the said disputations /
The absolute impossibility of transubstantiation demonstrated
A discourse against transubstantiation
Of transubstantiation, or, A reply to a late paper, call'd A full answer to Dr. Tenison's conferences concerning the Eucharist
A relation of a conference held about religion at London
A rational discourse concerning transubstantiation in a letter to a person of honor from a Master of Arts of the University of Cambridge.
BX2220 .K37 2019 The Epiclesis Debate at the Council of Florence /
The epiclesis debate at the Council of Florence /
BX2220 .L36 2009eb On the body and blood of the Lord / 2
BX2220 .M66 The doctrin [sic] of transubstantiation consider'd and fully confuted from a union of scriptures hitherto not perform'd / 2
BX2220 .M67 A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in the Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of transubstantiation. 2
BX2220 .M68 1696 Transubstantiatio non est aequè credibilis, ac Trinitas personarum in divinâ essentiâ. 1
BX2220 .N6 The Catholick answer to the seekers request in a letter directed to the seeker, proving the Real Presence by the Scripture only.
The Catholick answer to the seekers request in a letter directed to the seeker, proving the real presence, by the Scripture only