Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX2349 .P5715 1986 | Margaretae Porete Speculum simplicium animarum / | 1 |
BX2349.P573 H345 2010 | "Ceste ame est Dieu par condicion d'amour" : theologische Horizonte im "Spiegel der einfachen Seelen" von Marguerite Porete / | 1 |
BX2349 .R49 1761 | El peregrino con guia : idea de una alma en el camino y jornadas desde la casa de los pecados y sus prisiones hasta la casa de Dios y su union mystica / | 1 |
BX2349 .R53 1521 | Here foloweth a veray deuoute treatyse (named Benyamyn) of the myghtes and vertues of mannes soule & of the way to true contemplacyon / | 1 |
BX2349 .R65 | A treatise of modesty and silence. | 1 |
BX2349 .R66 1995 | Emendatio vitae ; Orationes ad honorem nominis Ihesu / | 1 |
BX2349 .S3722 1963 | Unseen warfare : being the spiritual combat and Path to paradise as / | 1 |
BX2349 .T66 | The layman's ritual containing practical methods of Christian duties both religious and moral drawn out of H. Scripture, the Roman ritual, the catechism ad parchos &c. / | 2 |
BX2349 .W22 1659 | Christian rvles proposed to a vertuous soule aspiring to holy perfection, vvhereby shee may regulate both her time, and actions for the obtaining of her happy end. / | 1 |
BX2349 .W47 | A triple cure of a triple malady that is of [brace] vanity in apparell, excesse in drinking, impiety in swearing [brace] / | 1 |
BX2349 .W47 1979 | Richard Whytford's The pype or tonne of the lyfe of perfection / | 1 |
BX2349 .X5 1957 | Cercapou / | 1 |
BX2349 ebook |
Tratado de la vida espiritual / Dos escritos destinados a la Reina Isabel / |
2 |
BX2350 | Making Nothing Happen : Five Poets Explore Faith and Spirituality. | 2 |
BX2350.A1 C45 | Finding God in all things : essays in Ignatian spirituality selected from Christus / | 1 |
BX2350.A43 B754 1936 | Alger de Liége: un théologien de l'eucharistie au début du XIIe siècle : thèse pour le doctorat en théologie / | 1 |
BX2350 .B645 1957 | This tremendous lover / | 1 |
BX 2350 .B742 1991 | Selected writings / | 1 |
BX2350 .B85 1978 | The people of our parish / | 1 |
BX2350 .C352 1890 | Pastoral dirigida al clero y fieles de la diócesis, con motivo de la encíclica Sapientiae Christianae de nuestro santísimo padre, León XIII : nos el Dr. D. Juán Bautista Grau y Vallespinós, por la gracia de Dios y de la Santa Sede Apostólica, Obispo de Astorga, Caballero Gran, Cruz de Isabel La Católica, et., etc. | 1 |