Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2435 .P2542 1984 Chronicles of Matthew Paris : monastic life in the thirteenth century / 1
BX2435 .P4514 L'École du cloître / 1
BX2435 .P627 2016eb Poverty and devotion in mendicant cultures, 1200-1450 / 1
BX2435 .P635 2003 The artificiality of Christianity : essays on the poetics of monasticism / 1
BX2435 .R3313 1976a The religious life today / 1
BX2435 .R3313 1976b The religious life today / 2
BX2435 .R37 2016 Brother-making in late antiquity and Byzantium : monks, laymen, and Christian ritual / 1
BX2435 .R428 1994 Religious life : the challenge of tomorrow / 2
BX2435 .S39 2011 By force and fear : taking and breaking monastic vows in early modern Europe / 1
BX2435 .S39 2011eb By force and fear : taking and breaking monastic vows in early modern Europe / 1
BX2435 .S555 2008 Demythologizing celibacy : practical wisdom from Christian and Buddhist monasticism / 1
BX2435 .S68 1995 The music of silence : entering the sacred space of monastic experience / 1
BX2435 .T35 2019 Varieties of monastic experience in Byzantium, 800-1453 / 2
BX2435 .U54 The censure of the Sacred Facultie of Divinitie of Paris, against the foure bookes concerning the ecclesiastical co[m]monvvealth, composed by Marcus Antonius de Dominis, archbishop of Spalata: printed at London by Iohn Bill. 1617. ; Translated by a student in diuiniitie. To vvhich also is added a preface to the reader. 1
BX2435 .V29 1985 The profession of the religious and the principal arguments from the falsely-believed and forged donation of Constantine / 1
BX2435 .V384 1994 Veil and cowl : writings from the world of monks and nuns / 1
BX2435 .V48 1997 Viva vox und ratio scripta : mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikationsformen im Mönchtum des Mittelalters / 1
BX2435 .W613 The principles of monasticism / 1
BX2435 ebook Comprometernos con la diversidad : interculturalidad y vida consagrada hoy /
Aventuremos la vida : invitaciones a la vida consagrada /
Un camino monástico en la ciudad : libro de vida : fraternidades monásticas de Jerusalén /
Agonía de las órdenes y congregaciones religiosas : ensayo sociológico sobre su presente y su futuro /
BX2436 .A3313 2013 The highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life / 3