Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2435 .V384 1994 Veil and cowl : writings from the world of monks and nuns / 1
BX2435 .V48 1997 Viva vox und ratio scripta : mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikationsformen im Mönchtum des Mittelalters / 1
BX2435 .W613 The principles of monasticism / 1
BX2435 ebook Un camino monástico en la ciudad : libro de vida : fraternidades monásticas de Jerusalén /
Agonía de las órdenes y congregaciones religiosas : ensayo sociológico sobre su presente y su futuro /
Aventuremos la vida : invitaciones a la vida consagrada /
Comprometernos con la diversidad : interculturalidad y vida consagrada hoy /
BX2436 .A3313 2013 The highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life / 3
BX2436 .B4 1999 Benedicti Anianensis Concordia regularum / 1
BX2436 .P75 1610 Le voev de Iacob opposé aux voeux des moines 1
BX2436 .R4 1919 El trabajo manual en las reglas monásticas. : Discurso leído en el acto de su recepción / 1
BX2436 .R42 1982 Les Règles des saints Pères / 1
BX2436 .R85 1971 Rule and life : an interdisciplinary symposium / 1
BX2436 .S2513 2014 On the world and religious life / 1
BX2436.5.C42 The Chrodegang Rules : the Rules for the Common Life of the Secular Clergy from the Eighth and Ninth Centuries. Critical Texts with Translations and Commentary. 1
BX2436.5.C42 B37 2005 The Chrodegang rules : the rules for the common life of the secular clergy from the eighth and ninth centuries :ccritical texts with translations and commentary / 1
BX2436.5.C42 C53 2004 The reform of the Frankish church : Chrodegang of Metz and the Regula canonicorum in the eighth century / 1
BX2436.5.M3 E5 1977 The rule of the Master = Regula magistri / 1
BX2437 .C283 Life in the City of God : an introduction to the religious life / 1
BX2439.A2 B29 1551 The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes 1
BX2439.A2 B376 1683 Venus in the cloister, Or The nun in her smock. In curious dialogues, addressed to the Lady Abbess of Loves Paradice, / 1
BX2439.A2 (INTERNET) The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes 1
BX2439.A2 M66 La politique des Jesuites 2