Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX2592 .B56 1989 | Dedications of monastic houses in England and Wales, 1066-1216 / | 1 |
BX2592 .B75 2022 | British and Irish religious orders in Europe, 1560-1800 : conventuals, mendicants and monastics in motion / | 1 |
BX2592 .B86 1994 | Monastic and religious orders in Britain, 1000-1300 / | 2 |
BX2592 .B86 1994eb | Monastic and religious orders in Britain, 1000-1300 / | 1 |
BX2592 .B87 1979 | Medieval monasteries of Great Britain / | 1 |
BX2592 .C43 |
Englands choice, &c to all Arch-Bishops, and Bishops who are not a shame (to) or ashamed (of) the name of Christ before men, grace, wisdom and truth, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Englands choice, &c. to all arch-bishops, and bishops who are not a shame (to) or ashamed (of) the name of Christ before men, grace, wisdom and truth, from God our Father, and from Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. |
2 |
BX2592 .C53 2021 | The dissolution of the monasteries : a new history / | 1 |
BX2592 .C54 2021 | The dissolution of the monasteries : a new history / | 1 |
BX2592 .C6 | Letters to Cromwell on the suppression of the monasteries / | 1 |
BX2592 .C68 1998 | Religious patronage in Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1135 / | 1 |
BX2592 .C76 1962 | The English abbey / | 1 |
BX2592 .C85 2007 | The culture of medieval English monasticism / | 2 |
BX2592 .D48 1961 | Monastic life in medieval England. | 1 |
BX2592 .D83 1655 | Monasticon Anglicanum, sive, Pandectæ coenobiorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem | 1 |
BX2592 .D84 1673 | Monastici Anglicani. Cum appendice ad volumen primum decoenobiis aliquot Gallicanis, Hibernicis, & Scoticis: necnon quibusdam Anglicanis antea omissis. A primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, ex M. SS. codicibus ad monasteria olim pertinentibus; archivis turrium Londinensis, eboracensis; curiarum scaccarii, augmentationum; bibliothecis Bodleianae, Arundellianae, Cottonianae, Seldenianae, Hattonianae, / | 1 |
BX2592 .D84 1683 | Monastici Anglicani. additamenta quaedam in volumen primum, ac volumen secundum, jampridem edita: necnon fundationes, sive dotationes diversarum ecclesiarum cathedralium ac collegiatarum continens; / | 1 |
BX2592 .D84 1718 | Monasticon anglicanum, or, The history of the ancient abbies, monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches, with their dependencies, in England and Wales: also of all such Scotch, Irish, and French monasteries as in any manner relate to those in England ... Illustrated with the original cuts of the cathedral and collegiate churches, and habits of the religious and military orders / | 1 |
BX2592 .D84 1846 | Monasticon anglicanum : a history of the abbies and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries, and cathedral and collegiate churches, with their dependencies, in England and Wales; also of all such Scotch, Irish and French monasteries, as were in manner connected with religious houses in England / | 1 |
BX2592 .F66 2006 | Monastic life in Anglo-Saxon England, c. 600-900 / | 1 |
BX2592 .G3 1924 | English monastic life / | 1 |