Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2592 .D48 1961 Monastic life in medieval England. 1
BX2592 .D83 1655 Monasticon Anglicanum, sive, Pandectæ coenobiorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem 1
BX2592 .D84 1673 Monastici Anglicani. Cum appendice ad volumen primum decoenobiis aliquot Gallicanis, Hibernicis, & Scoticis: necnon quibusdam Anglicanis antea omissis. A primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, ex M. SS. codicibus ad monasteria olim pertinentibus; archivis turrium Londinensis, eboracensis; curiarum scaccarii, augmentationum; bibliothecis Bodleianae, Arundellianae, Cottonianae, Seldenianae, Hattonianae, / 1
BX2592 .D84 1683 Monastici Anglicani. additamenta quaedam in volumen primum, ac volumen secundum, jampridem edita: necnon fundationes, sive dotationes diversarum ecclesiarum cathedralium ac collegiatarum continens; / 1
BX2592 .D84 1718 Monasticon anglicanum, or, The history of the ancient abbies, monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches, with their dependencies, in England and Wales: also of all such Scotch, Irish, and French monasteries as in any manner relate to those in England ... Illustrated with the original cuts of the cathedral and collegiate churches, and habits of the religious and military orders / 1
BX2592 .D84 1846 Monasticon anglicanum : a history of the abbies and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries, and cathedral and collegiate churches, with their dependencies, in England and Wales; also of all such Scotch, Irish and French monasteries, as were in manner connected with religious houses in England / 1
BX2592 .F66 2006 Monastic life in Anglo-Saxon England, c. 600-900 / 1
BX2592 .G3 1924 English monastic life / 1
BX2592 .G35 1920 Henry VIII and the English monasteries / 1
BX2592 .G55 1995 Contemplation and action : the other monasticism / 1
BX2592 .H42 2008eb The heads of religious houses, England and Wales. 1
BX2592 .H43 2001eb The Heads of Religious Houses, Volume 2 : England and Wales, 1216-1377.
The heads of religious houses, England and Wales.
BX2592 .H43 2004 The dependent priories of medieval English monasteries / 1
BX2592 .H43 2004eb The dependent priories of medieval English monasteries / 1
BX2592 (INTERNET) Notitia monastica, or, A short history of the religious houses in England and Wales by Thomas Tanner. 1
BX2592 .K37 2002 Religious life and English culture in the Reformation / 1
BX2592 .K44 Thorns on the Tudor rose : monks, rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggars / 2
BX2592 .K47 2007 Monastic hospitality : the Benedictines in England, c.1070-c.1250 / 2
BX2592 .K55 The heads of religious houses, England and Wales, 940-1216 / 1
BX2592 .K55 2001eb The heads of religious houses, England and Wales, I, 940-1216 / 1