BX2901 .R48
Religión y cultura. |
1 |
BX2904 .E53 1527
[The rule of saynt Augustyne] [bothe in Latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also ye same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn] |
1 |
BX2904 .H83 1700z
The rule of the great S. Augustin |
1 |
BX2904.Z5 L39 1987
Augustine of Hippo and his monastic rule / |
1 |
BX2904.Z5 S26 1999
An early witness to the nature of the canonical order in the twelfth century : a study in the life and writings of Adam Scot, with particular reference to his understanding of the rule of St Augustine / |
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BX2904.Z5 V4
La Règle de saint Augustin. |
1 |
BX2906.2 .A7
Der Augustinereremitenorden und der Beginn der humanistischen Bewegung. |
1 |
BX2906.2 .B87 1886a
Des Augustinerpropstes Iohannes Busch Chronicon Windeshemense und Liber de reformatione monasteriorum / |
1 |
BX2906.3 .G84 2006
Los Agustinos descalzos : breves noticias de su vida y logros en México y Filipinas / |
1 |
BX2906.3 .S23 2002
High way to heaven : the Augustinian platform between reform and Reformation, 1292-1524 / |
1 |
BX2914.V4 C3
Historia documentada de los agustinos en Venezuela durante la época colonial. |
1 |
BX2916 .R63
The geography of Augustinian settlement in medieval England and Wales / |
1 |
BX2918.I67 C37 2018
The cartulary and charters of the Priory of Saints Peter and Paul, Ipswich / |
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BX2937 .C65 1983
Matteo Novelli e l'agostinismo politico del Trecento : atti del 1̊ Convegno sul pensiero agostiniano, Palrmo, 19-20 gennaio 1981. |
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BX2939.I7 F53 2013
The Mission of the Portuguese Augustinians to Persia and Beyond (1602-1747) |
1 |
BX2948.A8 A764 1992
Out where the dead men lie, the Augustinians in Australia, 1838- 1992 / |
1 |
BX2970.Z7 P5 2005eb
Dictionary of Basilian biography : lives of members of the Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil from its origins in 1822 to 2002. |
1 |
BX2970.Z7P53 2005
Dictionary of Basilian Biography : Lives of Members of the Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil from Its Origins in 1822 to 2002. |
2 |
BX2975.B5 K65 2010
Lacrima ecclesie / |
1 |
BX .3001
The American Benedictine review. |
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