Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX324.3 .D44 2011 | Orthodoxy and the Roman papacy : Ut Unum Sint and the prospects of East-West unity / | 1 |
BX324.3.D535 2014eb | Dialogue of Love : Breaking the Silence of Centuries. | 1 |
BX324.3 .D813 | Byzantium and the Roman primacy. | 1 |
BX324.3 .D813 1979 | Byzantium and the Roman primacy / | 1 |
BX324.3 .D85 | Byzance et la primauté romaine / | 1 |
BX324.3 .F34 1996 | Orthodox and Catholic sister churches : East is West and West is East / | 1 |
BX324.3 -- F34 1996eb | Orthodox and Catholic Sister Churches : East Is West and West Is East. | 2 |
BX324.3 .K65 2000 | The Byzantine lists : errors of the Latins / | 1 |
BX324.3 .M46 1996 | Rome, Constantinople, Moscow : historical and theological studies / | 2 |
BX324.3 .M4713 2006 | The Petrine ministry : Catholics and Orthodox in dialogue : academic symposium held at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity / | 1 |
BX324.3 .N46 2019 | Heretics, schismatics, or Catholics? : Latin attitudes to the Greeks in the long twelfth century / | 1 |
BX324.3 N55 1998 | I primi tentativi di latinizzazione dei Greci di Napoli e le prime "carte assolutorie" orientali in Occidente / | 1 |
BX324.3 .O774 2013 | Orthodox Constructions of the West. | 1 |
BX324.3 .Q47 1996 | The Quest for unity : Orthodox and Catholics in dialogue : documents of the Joint International Commission and Official Dialogues in the United States, 1965-1995 / | 1 |
BX324.3 .S76 2020 | Stolen churches or bridges to orthodoxy? | 1 |
BX324.3 .W43 2014 | In search of the triune God : the Christian paths of East and West / | 1 |
BX324.3 ebook |
El Papa de Iván el terrible : entre Rusia y Polonia (1581-1582) / El documento de Rávena : el primado papal en el diálogo católico-ortodoxo / |
2 |
BX324.5 .C2 | Icon and pulpit : the Protestant-Orthodox encounter. | 1 |
BX324.5 .I9 1971 | Tsar Ivan IV's Reply to Jan Rokyta / | 1 |
BX324.5 .O9 1969 | Catholic orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholicism : a word about intercommunion between the English and the Orthodox Churches. | 1 |