Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX335 .G844 2001 An examination of church-state relations in the Byzantine and Russian empires with an emphasis on ideology and models of interaction / 1
BX335 .P34 2012 The mystical as political : democracy and non-radical Orthodoxy /
The mystical as political democracy and non-radical Orthodoxy /
BX335 .V45 2021 Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe : Comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia / 1
BX337 .B66 1993 The Church and social reform : the policies of the Patriarch Athanasios of Constantinople / 1
BX337 .O775 2018 Orthodox Christianity and human rights in Europe : a dialogue between theological paradigms and socio-legal pragmatics / 1
BX337 .R53 2023 Gender essentialism and orthodoxy : beyond male and female / 1
BX337.5 .B368 2012 On earth as in heaven : ecological vision and initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew / 1
BX337.5.B368 2012eb On Earth As in Heaven : Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. 1
BX337.5 .T44 2009 Living in God's creation : Orthodox perspectives on ecology / 1
BX340 .D35 Recherches sur les ophphikia de l'eglise byzantine / 1
BX340 .L62 Avtokefali︠i︡a. 1
BX340 .M695 2011 Évêques, pouvoir et société à Byzance, VIIIe-XIe siècle : territoires, communautés et individus dans la société provinciale byzantine / 1
BX340 .P876 2018 God, hierarchy, and power : Orthodox theologies of authority from Byzantium / 1
BX341.5 .V47 2001 Vested in grace : priesthood and marriage in the Christian East / 1
BX342 .K863 2016 Lifelong religion as habitus : religious practice among displaced Karelian Orthodox women in Finland / 2
BX342.5 .B43 2001 Discerning the signs of the times : the vision of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel / 1
BX342.5 .G463 2020 Orthodox Christianity and gender : dynamics of tradition, culture and lived practice / 1
BX342.5 .L58 2005 Ancient taboos and gender prejudice : challenges for Orthodox women and the church / 1
BX342.5.L58 2005 BX342.5 Ancient Taboos and Gender Prejudice : Challenges for Orthodox Women and the Church. 1
BX342.5 .L58 2005eb Ancient taboos and gender prejudice challenges for Orthodox women and the church / 1