Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX324.3 ebook El Papa de Iván el terrible : entre Rusia y Polonia (1581-1582) /
El documento de Rávena : el primado papal en el diálogo católico-ortodoxo /
BX324.5 .C2 Icon and pulpit : the Protestant-Orthodox encounter. 1
BX324.5 .I9 1971 Tsar Ivan IV's Reply to Jan Rokyta / 1
BX324.5 .O9 1969 Catholic orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholicism : a word about intercommunion between the English and the Orthodox Churches. 1
BX324.52 .S25 1992 Salvation in Christ : a Lutheran-Orthodox dialogue / 1
BX325 .A75 Re-discovering Eastern Christendom : essays in commemoration of Dom Bede Winslow / 1
BX330 .A55 1997 The Homilies of the Emperor Leo VI / 1
BX330 .G73 Tou en Hagiois patros hemōn Grēgoriou Archiepiskopou Thessalonikēs Logoi apodeiktikoi dyo. 1
BX330 .P45 The homilies of Photius, patriarch of Constantinople / 1
BX335 .E27 1988 Eastern Christianity and politics in the twentieth century / 1
BX335 .E28 2010 Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 1945-91 / 1
BX335 .E28 2010eb Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 1945-91 1
BX335 .G844 2001 An examination of church-state relations in the Byzantine and Russian empires with an emphasis on ideology and models of interaction / 1
BX335 .P34 2012 The mystical as political democracy and non-radical Orthodoxy /
The mystical as political : democracy and non-radical Orthodoxy /
BX335 .V45 2021 Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe : Comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia / 1
BX337 .B66 1993 The Church and social reform : the policies of the Patriarch Athanasios of Constantinople / 1
BX337 .O775 2018 Orthodox Christianity and human rights in Europe : a dialogue between theological paradigms and socio-legal pragmatics / 1
BX337 .R53 2023 Gender essentialism and orthodoxy : beyond male and female / 1
BX337.5 .B368 2012 On earth as in heaven : ecological vision and initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew / 1
BX337.5.B368 2012eb On Earth As in Heaven : Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. 1