Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX3702.2 ebook |
Discursos Universitarios Textos Escogidos de Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S. J. La Compañía de Jesús en la Salamanca universitaria (1548-1767) : aspectos institucionales, socioecónomicos y culturales / |
2 |
BX3702.3 |
Instruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the Foundation of the Society of Jesus / Aproximaciones al humanismo ignaciano The Oxford handbook of the Jesuits / Colección Pensamiento Jesuítico |
4 |
BX3702.3 .F7513 2022 | The Jesuits : a history / | 1 |
BX3702.3 .G56 2013 | Instruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the foundation of the Society of Jesus / | 1 |
BX3702.3 H337 2019 | Natural and Political Conceptions of Community : the Role of the Household Society in Early Modern Jesuit Thought, C. 1590-1650. | 1 |
BX3702.3 .J46 2019 | Jesuit philosophy on the eve of modernity / | 2 |
BX3702.3 .J47 2016 | The Jesuits and globalization : historical legacies and contemporary challenges / | 1 |
BX3702.3 .M86 2017 | The hermeneutics of Jesuit leadership in higher education : the meaning and culture of catholic-Jesuit presidents / | 2 |
BX3702.3 ebook | Colección pensamiento jesuístico / | 1 |
BX3703 | The examinations of Thomas Heth a Jesuit, being a copy of the same, as they were registred in the registry of the See of Rochester : anno Dom. 1568 : extracted out of the manuscripts of Sir James Ware knight, deceased, late one of his Majesties Privy Council of Ireland / | 1 |
BX3703 .A77 1979 v. 2 | Justice with faith today / | 1 |
BX3703 .A77 1979 vol. 2 | Justice with faith today / | 1 |
BX3703 .C65 2017 | A companion to Jesuit mysticism / | 2 |
BX3703.E5 J47 | Jesuites plots and counsels plainly discovered to the most unlearned which hath satisfied many about these present distractions : wherein is laid open the Jesuites endeavours to bring all states to monarchies and all the commons in monarchies to slavery, and how they have been put on foot here in England : also how their counsels brought Germany into these long and bloudy wars and endeavoured to bring Poland into slavery. | 2 |
BX3704 .E5 1687 | Whereas in a book this day published by Mr. Pulton School=master in the Savoy [...] there is this following certificate inserted vizt ... | 1 |
BX3704 .E5 1970 | The constitutions of the Society of Jesus / | 1 |
BX3704.E5 M5 | Mistere des Jesuites pour induire quelqu'une a prendre resolution de tuer un Roy | 1 |
BX3704.P4 1670 | The Jesuits morals | 2 |
BX3704.Z5 C55 1999 | Church, culture & curriculum : theology and mathematics in the Jesuit Ratio studiorum / | 1 |
BX3704.Z5 J47 2000 | The Jesuit Ratio studiorum : 400th anniversary perspectives / | 1 |