Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX3702.A1 The Cambridge encyclopedia of the Jesuits / 1
BX3702.A1 C36 2017 The Cambridge encyclopedia of the Jesuits / 2
BX3702.A2 E7 1769x Erklärung des letzten Leichenbegängnisses von dem unterdrückten Jesuiter Orden. Die Anordnung geschiehet in dem Collegio zu Rom. 1
BX3702.A2 (INTERNET) A defence of the censure, gyuen vpon tvvo bookes of william Charke and Meredith Hanmer mynysters, whiche they wrote against M. Edmond Campian preest, of the Societie of Iesus, and against his offer of disputation Taken in hand since the deathe of the sayd M. Campian, and broken of agayne before it could be ended, vpon the causes sett downe in an epistle to M. Charke in the begyninge. 1
BX3702.A2 M66 1674 A Jesuitical designe discovered: in a piece called, The Quakers pedigree;, or, A dialogue between a Quaker and a Jesuit, &c. 1
BX3702.A2 R58 1623 The state-mysteries of the Iesuites, by way of questions and answers 1
BX3702 .A76 Mysteriou tes ayomias, that is, Another part of the mystery of Jesuitism or, The new heresie of the Jesuites, publickly maintained at Paris, in the College of Clermont, the XII of December MDCLXI ... according to the copy printed at Paris : together with The imaginary heresie, in three letters, with divers other particulars ... never before published in English. 2
BX3702 .B418 1935 Los jesuitas / 1
BX3702 .F8 1930 The power and secret of the Jesuits / 1
BX3702 ebook H.M. Enomiya-Lassalle : jesuita y maestro zen / 1
BX3702.2 .J478 2005 The Jesuit Series Part Four (L-P) 1
BX3702.2 ebook Discursos Universitarios Textos Escogidos de Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S. J.
La Compañía de Jesús en la Salamanca universitaria (1548-1767) : aspectos institucionales, socioecónomicos y culturales /
BX3702.3 Instruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the Foundation of the Society of Jesus /
Aproximaciones al humanismo ignaciano
The Oxford handbook of the Jesuits /
Colección Pensamiento Jesuítico
BX3702.3 .F7513 2022 The Jesuits : a history / 1
BX3702.3 .G56 2013 Instruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the foundation of the Society of Jesus / 1
BX3702.3 H337 2019 Natural and Political Conceptions of Community : the Role of the Household Society in Early Modern Jesuit Thought, C. 1590-1650. 1
BX3702.3 .J46 2019 Jesuit philosophy on the eve of modernity / 2
BX3702.3 .J47 2016 The Jesuits and globalization : historical legacies and contemporary challenges / 1
BX3702.3 .M86 2017 The hermeneutics of Jesuit leadership in higher education : the meaning and culture of catholic-Jesuit presidents / 2
BX3702.3 ebook Colección pensamiento jesuístico / 1