Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX3705.A2 C35 1609 De studiis Iesvitarum abstrusioribus 1
BX3705.A2 C6 1678 A collection of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws. Viz. I. The execution of justice, in England, not for religion, but for treason: 17 Dec. 1583. II. Important considerations, by the secular priests: printed A.D. 1601. III. The Jesuits reasons unreasonable: 1662. 1
BX3705.A2 C66 A true and perfect narrative of the inhumane practices (occasioned by the damnable positions) of Jesuites and papists towards protestants at home and abroad being a relation of several horrid and barbarous murthers and treasons committed by them, which may serve as a supplement to the narrative made by Mr. John Smith, gent. 2
BX3705.A2 D33 Sathan discovered, or, The Jesuits last design to ruine religion being some observations upon the swords abuse ... /
Sathan discovered, or, The Jesuits last design to ruine religion being some observations upon the swords abuse ...
BX3705.A2 D6 1611 Conclaue Ignati: siue Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis inthronisatio. Vbi varia De Iesuitarum indole, de nouo inferno creando, de ecclesia lunatica institue[n]da, per satyram congesta sunt. Accessit et apologia pro Iesuitis. Omnia duobus angelis aduersariis, qui consistorio papali, & Collegio Sorbone præsident, dedicata. 1
BX3705.A2 D6 1969 Ignatius his conclave / 1
BX3705.A2 D63 1580 Doctrinae Iesuitarum praecipua capita, a doctis quibusdam theologis (quorum libri sequente pagina continentur) retexta, solidis rationibus testimoniísque sacrarum scriptutarum & doctorum veteris ecclesiæ confutata. 1
BX3705.A2 D8 1671 The moral practice of the Jesuites; demonstrated by many remarkable histories of their actions in all parts of the world. Collected either from books of the greatest authority, or most certain and unquestionable records and memorials. / 1
BX3705.A2 E4 The horrid, direful, prodigious and diabolical practice of the Jesuits discovered fully laying open the means, manner and circumstances whereby they inveagle and seduce inhumanely some unwary Protestants to the utter ruine and damnation of their souls : seasonably offered for the good of three nations / 2
BX3705.A2 E53 1661 The English prelates practizing the methods and rules of the Jesuits, for enervating and altering the Protestant reformed religion in England, and reducing the people to popery 2
BX3705.A2 F7 Articles made and published by the king of France, touching the re-establishment and re-appeale of the Iesuits to their liberties in France with a sentence or decree made and published against them, by the court of Parliament in Paris, the 23. day of December last past, 1611. 1
BX3705.A2 H49 The rat-trap, or, The Jesuites taken in their owne net &c. discovered in this yeare of jubilee or deliverance from the romish faction, 1641.
The rat-trap, or, The Jesuites taken in their owne net &c discovered in this yeare of jubilee or deliverance from the romish faction, 1641.
BX3705.A2 H85 Iesuitismi pars prima: siue de praxi Romanae curiæ contra resp. & principes: et de noua legatione Iesuitaru[m] in Angliam, [protherapeia] & premunitio ad Anglos. Cui adiuncta est concio eiusdem argumenti, / 1
BX3705.A2 (INTERNET) Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Iesuites doctrine, touching the killing of kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the Fourth, of happie memorie : to which is added, a Supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris, for the preuenting of the Iesuites opening their schooles among them, in which their king-killing doctrine is also notably discouered, and confuted /
Additionals to The mystery of Jesuitisme
The Jesuits Gospel according to Saint Ignatius Loiola wherein their impious doctrines against the Christian faith, their pernitious maxims against Christian princes, and their unjust practices destructive to all humane society, contrary to the Sacred Scriptures, the laws of God, and right reason are declared.
The Black box of Roome [sic] opened from whence are revealed, the damnable bloody plots, practices, and behaviour of Iesuites, priests, papists, and other recusants in generall : against Christian princes, estates and the people in those places where they have lived, &c.
The nevv art of lying couered by Iesuites vnder the vaile of equiuocation /
The Jesuites intrigues with the private instructions of that society to their emissaries : the first, translated out of a book privately printed at Paris : the second, lately found in manuscript in a Jesuites closet, after his death : both sent with a letter from a gentleman at Paris to his friend in London.
A sparing discouerie of our English Iesuits, and of Fa. Parsons proceedings vnder pretence of promoting the Catholike faith in England for a caueat to all true Catholiks our very louing brethren and friends, how they embrace such very vncatholike, though Iesuiticall deseignments.
The rat-trap, or, The Jesuites taken in their owne net &c discovered in this yeare of jubilee or deliverance from the romish faction, 1641.
Pluto his trauailes, or, The Diuels pilgrimage to the Colledge of Iesuites Lately discouered by an English gentleman.
The Moral practice of the Jesuites demonstrated by many remarkable histories of their actions in all parts of the world : collected either from books of the greatest authority, or most certain and unquestionable records and memorials /
A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honorable the Lords assembled in Parliament at the end of the last sessions /
The Character of a Jesuit
A letter to the Jesuits in prison shewing them how they may get out /
BX3705.A2 J37 1658 A further discovery of the mystery of Jesuitisme in a collection of severall pieces representing the humours, designs, and practises of those who call themselves the Society of Jesus. 1
BX3705.A2 .J47 The Jesuites new discoveries
The Jesuits new discoveries
BX3705.A2 J47 The Jesuits catechism, according to St. Ignatius Loyola, for the instructing and strengthning of all those which are weak in that faith : wherein the impiety of their principles, perniciousness of their doctrines and iniquity of their practices are declared.
The Jesuite and priest discovered, or, A Brief discourse of the policies of the Church of Rome, in preserving itself, and dividing of Protestant states and kingdoms in which is plainly demonstrated, the effects of their political operations upon us at this day, in respect to religion, and matters of state : together, with the necessity of their banishment.
The Jesuits catechism according to St. Ignatius Loyola for the instructing and strengthning of all those which are weak in that faith : wherein the impiety of their principles, perniciousness of their doctrines and iniquity of their practices are declared.
The Jesuites lamentation for the discovery of their two late plots of the apprentices and the Irish massacre
The Jesuits gospel, according to Saint Ignatius Loiola. Wherein their impious doctrines against the Christian faith, their pernitious maxims against Christian princes, and their unjust practices destructive to all humane society, contrary to the sacred Scriptures, the laws of God, and right reason, are declared.
BX3705 .A2 J47 1679 The Jesuits character. 1
BX3705.A2 N86 The Nunns prophesie, or, The true, wonderful, and remarkable prophesie of St. Heldegard, first nunn, and then abess concerning the rise and downfall of those fire-brands of Europe, the whole order of Jesuits : with a comment thereon, by that Right Reverend Bishop Dr. Jerome Baptista.
The Nunns prophesie, or, The true, wonderful, and remarkable prophesie of St. Heldegard, first nunn, and then abess concerning the rise and downfall of those fire-brands of Europe, the whole order of Jesuits : with a comment thereon, by that Right Reverend Bishop Dr. Jerome Baptista ..
BX3705.A2 P3 1695 The mystery of Jesuitism discovered in certain letters, written upon occasion of the present differences at Sorbonne between the Jansenists and the Molinists, displaying the pernicious maximes of the late Casuists : with additionals. 1