Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4200 .E3 1896 Woman under monasticism : chapters on saint-lore and convent life between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1500 / 1
BX4200 .H47 History of women religious news and notes. 1
BX4200 .H57 1992 A conflict of traditions : women in religion in the early Middle Ages, 500-840 / 1
BX4200 .M313 Religious orders of women / 1
BX4200 .M35 1996 Sisters in arms : Catholic nuns through two millennia / 1
BX4200 .M35 1997 Canon law and cloistered women : Periculoso and its commentators, 1298-1545 / 1
BX4200 .M43 1996 Medieval women monastics : wisdom's wellsprings / 1
BX4200 .S88 2004 Studien und Texte zur literarischen und materiellen Kultur der Frauenklöster im späten Mittelalter : Ergebnisse eines Arbeitsgesprächs in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, 24.-26. Febr. 1999 / 1
BX4205 .E89 Maturity in the religious life / 1
BX4205 .E9 Personality development in the religious life / 1
BX4205 .H35 2013 The senses in religious communities, 1600-1800 : early modern 'convents of pleasure' / 1
BX4205 .H35 2016 The senses in religious communities, 1600-1800 : early modern 'convents of pleasure' / 1
BX4205 .H8 Nuns : community prayer and change / 1
BX4205 .L48 1749i A letter from a gentleman at Mahon to ---- giving an account of the escape and marriage of three nuns of the order of St. Clare. 1
BX4205 .M8 The changing Sister / 1
BX4205 .M85 2005 Lives of the anchoresses : the rise of the urban recluse in medieval Europe / 3
BX4205 .S35 1998 Norm und Wirklichkeit religiöser Frauengemeinschaften im Frühmittelalter : die Institutio sanctimonialium Aquisgranensis des Jahres 816 und die Problematik der Verfassung von Frauenkommunitäten / 1
BX4205 .S8125 2020 Humble women, powerful nuns : a female struggle for autonomy in a men's church / 1
BX4205 .V37 The nunns complaint against the fryers being the charge given into the court of France, by the nunns of St. Katherine near Provins, against the Fathers Cordeliers their confessours / 2
BX4205 .W56 1993 Weaving a tapestry : loneliness, spiritual well-being, and communal support / 1