Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4220.B7 A54 1993 Honradas e devotas : mulheres da colônia : condição feminina nos conventos e recolhimentos do sudeste do Brasil, 1750-1822 / 1
BX4220.C2 J87 1996 Un métier et une vocation : le travail des religieuses au Québec, de 1901 à 1971 / 1
BX4220.C7 ebook Anales del convento de Santa Cruz de la Popa de Cartagena de Indias (1606-2006) : cuaderno de bitácora de los Agustinos recoletos de la Popa de la Galera de Cartagena de Indias, en sus cuatrocientos años de servicio a la iglesia evangelizadora / 1
BX4220.C74 B87 2001 These Catholic sisters are all mamas! : towards the inculturation of the sisterhood in Africa : an ethnographic study / 1
BX4220.E85 E5 2012 English convents in exile : 1600-1800 / 1
BX4220.E85 E54 2013 The English convents in exile, 1600-1800 : communities, culture, and identity / 1
BX4220.E85 E93 2007 Nuns : a history of convent life, 1450-1700 / 2
BX4220.E85 E93 2007eb Nuns : a history of convent life, 1450-1700 / 2
BX4220.E85 ebook Mujeres entre el claustro y el siglo : autoridad y poder en el mundo religioso femenino, siglos XVI-XVIII / 1
BX4220.E85 F46 2008 Female monasticism in early modern Europe : an interdisciplinary view / 1
BX4220.E85 F46 2016eb Female monasticism in early modern Europe : an interdisciplinary view / 1
BX4220.E85 K445 2020 English convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600-1800 / 2
BX4220.E85 K45 2016 The English Convents in Exile, 1600-1800 : Communities, Culture and Identity / 1
BX4220.E85 R36 1996 Women and the religious life in premodern Europe / 2
BX4220.E85 V36 2018 Dark age nunneries : the ambiguous identity of female monasticism, 800-1050 / 1
BX4220.E85 V36 2019 Dark age nunneries : the ambiguous identity of female monasticism, 800-1050 / 1
BX4220.E85 V46 1997 Women's monasticism and medieval society : nunneries in France and England, 890-1215 / 1
BX4220.E85V46 1997 Women's Monasticism and Medieval Society : Nunneries in France and England, 890-1215. 1
BX4220.F7 R48 1987 Couvents de femmes : la vie des religieuses contemplatives dans la France des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / 1
BX4220.F8 C485 2004 Convents and nuns in eighteenth-century French politics and culture / 1