Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4661 .H64 Saints in folklore / 1
BX4661 .J3 L'humour chez les saints / 1
BX4661 .M613 The saints through their handwriting / 1
BX4661 .V3 Das Väterbuch : aus der Leipziger, Hildesheimer und Strassburger Handschrift / 1
BX4661 ebook  
BX4662 Saints, infirmity, and community in the late Middle Ages /
Der hagiographische Topos : griechische Heiligenviten in mittelbyzantinischer Zeit /
Rediscovering Sainthood in Italy hagiography and the late antique past in medieval Ravenna /
Lives and miracles of the saints : studies in medieval Latin hagiography /
Promoting the saints : Cults and Their Contexts from Late Antiquity until the Early Modern Period.
Les hagiographes de la main gauche : variations de la vie des saints au XXe siècle /
The legends of the saints /
BX4662 .A38 L'hagiographie : ses sources, ses méthodes, son historie. 1
BX4662 .A38 2000 L'hagiographie : ses sources, ses méthodes, son histoire / 1
BX4662 .A84 2011eb The Ashgate research companion to Byzantine hagiography. 2
BX4662 .B37 1991 Un santo in famiglia : vocazione religiosa e resistenze sociali nell ágiografia latina medievale / 1
BX4662 .B37 2010 Early Christian hagiography and Roman history / 1
BX4662 .C36 2008 Medieval saints' lives : the gift, kinship and community in old French hagiography / 1
BX4662 .C36 2008eb Medieval saints' lives : the gift, kinship and community in old French hagiography / 1
BX4662 .C65 Recueil d'études bollandiennes : Publié par la Société des Bollandistes a l'occasion du 70me anniversaire de l'auteur / 1
BX4662 .C66 2006 A companion to Middle English hagiography / 1
BX4662 .C66 2006eb A companion to Middle English hagiography / 1
BX4662 .C694 1996 Hagiographie im Kontext : Schreibanlass und Funktion von Bischofsviten aus dem 11. und vom Anfang des 12. Jahrhunderts / 1
BX4662 .D343 1962a The legends of the saints / 1
BX4662 . D347 Mélanges d'hagiographie grecque et latine. 1
BX4662 .D4 2009 De Rosweyde aux Acta Sanctorum : la recherche hagiographique des Bollandistes à travers quatre siècles : actes du Colloque international (Bruxelles, 5 octobre 2007) / 1