BX4662 .P43 1992
Le passionnaire français au Moyen Age / |
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BX4662 .P76 2010
Promoting the saints / |
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BX4662 .S24 1996
Saints : studies in hagiography / |
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BX4662 .S244 2018
Sainteté et modernité / |
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BX4662 .S25 2020
Les saints anciens au temps de la réforme catholique (Europe occidentale, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) : déclin ou renouveau? / |
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BX4662 .S258 2018
New legends of England : forms of community in late medieval saints' lives / |
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BX4662 .S26 1999
Sanctity and secularity during the modernist period : six perspectives on hagiography around 1900 = six perspectives sur l'hagiographie aux alentours de 1900 / |
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BX4662 .S52 1991
Medieval Irish saints' lives : an introduction to vitae sanctorum Hiberniae / |
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BX4662 .S567 1983
Saints in the world of nature : the animal story as spiritual parable in medieval hagiography (900-1200) / |
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BX4662 .S65 2018
Excessive saints : gender, narrative, and theological invention in Thomas of Cantimpré's mystical hagiographies / |
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BX4662 .S68 1998
A medieval pilgrim's companion : reassessing El libro de los huéspedes (Escorial MS. h.I.13) / |
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BX4662 .S8 1970
Kunst und Glaube in der lateinischen Heiligenlegende : zu ihrem Selbstverständnis in den Prologen. |
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BX4662 .S87 2001
Studies in Irish hagiography : saints and scholars / |
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BX4662 .T49 2022
Thecla and Medieval sainthood : the Acts of Paul and Thecla in Eastern and Western hagiography / |
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BX4662 .T68 2014eb
Law, medicine, and engineering in the cult of the saints in counter-Reformation Rome : the hagiographical works of Antonio Gallonio, 1556-1605 / |
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BX4662 .T736 2021
Trans and genderqueer subjects in medieval hagiography / |
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BX4662 .V363 2019
The Coptic Life of Aaron : Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary. |
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BX4662 .W56 2020
Fifteenth-century lives : writing sainthood in England / |
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BX4663 .C67 1701
Tavola sinottica de' cardinali dalla loro istituzione, sin' à tutto 'l XVII. secolo caduto : nella quale con ordine cronologico ... con la serie de' pseudo-cardinali, ed anti-papi, e con altre notizie necessarie per lo studio della storia ecclesiastica, ad uso dell'Academia Cosmografica degli Argonauti, coll'aggiunta di due copiosi indici alfabetici, uno del nome proprio, l'altro della famiglia de' Medesimi, divertimento letterario / |
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BX4664 .Z465 1964
Die Mitglieder des Kardinalkollegiums von 1130 bis 1159 / |
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