Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4700.B5 V35 Bernard de Fontaines, abbé de Clairvaux : ou, Les noces de la grâce et de la nature. 1
BX4700.B5 V54 2022 Vie de Saint Bernard, abbé de Clairvaux : vita prima / 1
BX4700.B5 W5 Studies in St. Bernard of Clairvaux / 1
BX4700.B55 M67 1999 The preacher's demons : Bernardino of Siena and the social underworld of early Renaissance Italy / 1
BX4700.B55 O7 The world of San Bernardino. 1
BX4700.B55 P65 2000 Preaching peace in Renaissance Italy : Bernardino of Siena & his audience / 1
BX4700.B57 G548 2006 Die Textfassungen der Lebensbeschreibung Bischof Bernwards von Hildesheim / 1
BX4700.B6 A companion to Birgitta of Sweden and her legacy in the later Middle Ages /
Sanctity and female authorship : Birgitta of Sweden & Catherine of Siena /
BX4700.B6 B75 The most devout prayers of St. Brigitte touching the most holy passion of our saviour Jesus Christ / 2
BX4700.B6 B83 Iconography: St. Birgitta of Sweden. 1
BX4700.B6 B85 Revelations; Saint Birgitta of Sweden. 1
BX4700.B6 C66 2019 A companion to Birgitta of Sweden and her legacy in the later Middle Ages / 1
BX4700.B6 F64 1993 Apostasy and reform in the revelations of St. Birgitta / 1
BX4700.B6 G7413 1991 The life of Saint Birgitta / 1
BX4700.B6 M6 1968 Das Werk der heiligen Birgitta von Schweden in oberdeutscher Überlieferung : Texte und Untersuchungen. 1
BX4700.B6 M65 1999 St. Birgitta of Sweden / 1
BX4700.B6 S24 2001 Birgitta of Sweden and the voice of prophecy / 1
BX4700.B6 S245 2014 Power and sainthood : the case of Birgitta of Sweden / 1
BX4700.B6 T72 2000 The translation of the works of St Birgitta of Sweden into the medieval European vernaculars / 1
BX4700.B62 The revelations of St Birgitta : a study and edition of the Birgittine-Norwegian Texts, Swedish National Archives, E 8092 / 1