BX4700.C6 A2 1999
Lettere ad Agnese : La visione dello specchio / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 A43 2004
Clare of Assisi and the Poor Sisters in the thirteenth century / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 C434 2010
Una leggenda in cerca d'autore: la Vita di santa Chiara d'Assisi : studio delle fonti e sinossi intertestuale / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 F73 1995
This living mirror : reflections on Clare of Assisi / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 H4613 2002
Elizabeth Evelinge, I / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 K56 2008
Creating Clare of Assisi : female Franciscan identities in later medieval Italy / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 K56 2008eb
Creating Clare of Assisi : female Franciscan identities in later medieval Italy / |
1 |
BX4700.C6M54 2016
In the Footsteps of St. Clare : a Pilgrims Guide Book. |
1 |
BX4700.C6 M575 2016
Clare of Assisi and the thirteenth-century Church : religious women, rules, and resistance / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 M66 2016eb
Clare of Assisi and the thirteenth-century church : religious women, rules, and resistence / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 M85 2010eb
A companion to Clare of Assisi : life, writings, and spirituality / |
1 |
BX4700.C6 U54 2004eb
An unenecumbered heart : a tribute to Clare of Assisi, 1253-2003 / |
1 |
BX4700.C65 L3 1996
Esclavo de esclavos : Pedro Claver / |
1 |
BX4700.C65 L8
A saint in the slave trade : Peter Claver (1581-1654) |
1 |
BX4700.C67 C66 2016
A companion to Colette of Corbie / |
1 |
BX4700.C67 L672 2011
Colette of Corbie (1381-1447) : learning and holiness / |
1 |
BX4700.C7 A2 1961
Adomnan's Life of Columba / |
1 |
BX4700.C7 C6
The legend of Saint Columba / |
1 |
BX4700.C7 F67 1997
Colum Cille / |
1 |
BX4700.C7 F74 1981
The man who loved books / |
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