Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4700.F6 .L45 Histoire de l'Ordre des frères mineurs : saint Fran̨cois d'Assise et son œuvre / 1
BX4700.F6 L545 1983 En el centenario de San Francisco de Asís, la continuidad de dos conmemoraciones, San Benito de Nursia y el Poverello. 1
BX4700.F6 L65 A poor man's peace. 1
BX4700.F6 L67 2015eb Francisco de Asís : una luz puesta en lo alto / 1
BX4700.F6 M35145 2001 Salvation : scenes from the life of St. Francis / 1
BX4700.F6 M3534 1952 François d'Assise : "sur les traces du Poverello" / 1
BX4700.F6 M364 Richest of the poor : the life of Saint Francis of Assisi. 1
BX4700.F6 M3645 1997 Journey out of the garden : St. Francis of Assisi and the process of individuation / 2
BX4700.F6 M3813 2010eb Francis of Assisi : heritage and heirs eight centuries later / 1
BX4700.F6 M56 Francis of Assisi : the wandering years / 2
BX4700.F6 M66 1966 The sources for the life of S. Francis of Assisi / 1
BX4700.F6 M675 2009 The saint and the sultan : the Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi's mission of peace / 1
BX4700.F6 M87 2008 A mended and broken heart : the life and love of Francis of Assisi / 1
BX4700.F6 M87 2008eb A mended and broken heart : the life and love of Francis of Assisi / 1
BX4700.F6 P27 1941 San Francisco de Asís, siglo XIII / 1
BX4700.F6 P43 São Francisco de Assis : (Conferencia realizada na Bahia, em 31 do Mar̨co de 1928, em benificio das Orphans do Convento do Desterro) 1
BX4700.F6 P562 1995 The life of Saint Francis of Assisi : a critical edition of the Ms. Paris, Bib. Nat. fonds français 2094 / 1
BX4700.F6 R28 1970 Good morning, good people; an autobiography--past and present. 1
BX4700.F6 .R56 1927 San Francisco de Asís y las fuerzas renovadoras del amor / 1
BX4700.F6 R58 1997 St. Francis of Assisi : the legend and the life / 1