Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX4700.G65 G64 1995 | Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertine Order, c.1130-c.1300 / | 1 |
BX4700.G72 H62 | St. John Capistran, reformer / | 1 |
BX4700.G7563 R4414 2019 | Reginald of Durham's Life of St Godric : an Old French version / | 1 |
BX4700.G757 Q45 1958 | Sociologia e folclore : a dança de São Gonçalo num povoado bahiano / | 1 |
BX4700.G8 D8 | La vie de saint Grégoire le Décapolite et les Slaves macédoniens au IXe siècle | 1 |
BX4700.G868 S66 2011 | Constructing a cult : the life and veneration of Guðmundr Arason (1161-1237) in the Icelandic written sources / | 1 |
BX4700.G868 S66 2011eb | Constructing a cult : the life and veneration of Guðmundr Arason (1161-1237) in the Icelandic written sources / | 1 |
BX4700.G95 F413 1985 | Felix's Life of Saint Guthlac : texts, translation and notes / | 1 |
BX4700.H47 H6 1995 | La vie d'Hilaire d'Arles / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 |
The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen, 1. Allegorical form and theory in Hildegard of Bingen's books of visions / |
2 |
BX4700.H5 A25 1996 | Secrets of God : writings of Hildegard of Bingen / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 A25 2001 | Selected writings / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 A25 2021 | Opuscules monastiques / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 A3 1994 | The letters of Hildegard of Bingen / | 1 |
BX4700.H5A3 1994eb BX4700.H5A3 1994 | The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen : Volume II. | 1 |
BX4700.H5 A4 1991 | Hildegardis Bingensis Epistolarium / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 A45 1990 | Briefwechsel / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 B48 2001 | Denn ich bin krank vor Liebe : das Leben der Hildegard von Bingen / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 C66 2013 | A companion to Hildegard of Bingen / | 1 |
BX4700.H5 C66 2014 | A companion to Hildegard of Bingen / | 1 |