BX4705.M38 D48
Le garde des sceaux Michel de Marillac et son oeuvre législative . |
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BX4705.M383 O74
Pedro José Marquez : su vida y su obra, 1741-1941. |
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BX4705.M387 F7
Mathäus von Krakau (bischof von Worms 1405-1410) Sein leben, charakter und seine Schriften zur Kirchenreform ... |
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BX4705.M39 H67 2016
Jean-Luc Marion : a theo-logical introduction / |
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Jean-Luc Marion : a Theo-logical Introduction. |
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BX4705.M3993 M45 1988
Art and prudence : studies in the thought of Jacques Maritain / |
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BX4705.M411 T54 1994
Dom Columba Marmion : a biography / |
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BX4705.M412328 B38 1993
Léonie Martin : a difficult life / |
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BX4705.M412334 S38 2021
Jesuit Superior General Luis Martín García and his Memorias : "showing up" / |
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BX4705.M4124 D6
Martin. |
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BX4705.M41242 A33
A priest confesses / |
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BX4705.M41244 E8
Fray Martín de Valencia. |
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BX4705.M412553 C45
But time and chance : the story of Padre Martinez of Taos, 1793-1867 / |
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BX4705.M412553 P33 1988
Padre Martínez : new perspectives from Taos / |
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BX4705.M412553 S2713 1978
Recollections of the life of the priest Don Antonio José Martínez = Memorias sobre la vida del presbítero Don Antonio José Martínez / |
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BX4705.M41255354 A3 2013
Visita de la provincia del Nuevo Reino de León, villa del Saltillo y real del Mazapil, que de orden del ilustrísimo y revenderísimo señor maestre don fray Antonio Alcalde del sagrado orden de predicadores, dignísimo obispo de Guadalajara, hizo el doctor don José Antonio Martínez Benavides, cura por su Majestad de la ciudad de Monterrey y vicario general por dicho ilustrísimo señor del Reino de León, Coahuila y Texas año de 1777 / |
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BX4705.M41256 ebook
El final de la intransigencia mutua : Luis María Martínez y el Estado mexicano / |
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El Final de la Intransigencia Mutia Luis María Martínez y el Estado Mexicano. |
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BX4705.M4127 O4
Infidencias de Fr. Bernardo : obispo de Sonora. |
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BX4705.M4128 ebook
Maestro, pastor y profeta : Carlo Maria Martini / |
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