Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4705.N58 N53 1996 Nicholas of Cusa on Christ and the church : essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Society / 1
BX4705.N58 R62 Nicolò Cusano. 1
BX4705.N58 S24 Introduzione a Niccolò Cusano. 1
BX4705.N58 S365 1962 Hans Hartliebs mantische Schriften und seine Beeinflussung durch Nikolaus von Kues. 1
BX4705.N58 S47 2016 Nicholas of Cusa's Brixen Sermons and Late Medieval Church Reform. 1
BX4705.N58 S5 Nicholas of Cusa and medieval political thought. 1
BX4705.N58 W38 2001 Concord and reform : Nicholas of Cusa and medieval political and legal thought in the fifteenth century / 1
BX4705.N62 G956 2002 Pierre Nicole, moraliste / 1
BX4705.N62 J35 Pierre Nicole, Jansenist and humanist. A study of his thought.
Pierre Nicole, Jansenist and humanist. : A study of his thought /
BX4705.N62 T5 Pierre Nicole / 1
BX4705.N65 H46 2015eb Jesuit polymath of Madrid : the literary enterprise of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658) / 1
BX4705.N68 H6 Nikolaos-Nektarios von Otranto, Abt von Casole : Beiträge zur Geschichte der ost-westlichen Beziehungen unter Innozenz III. und Friedrich II. / 1
BX4705.N78 P6 The King' advocate / 1
BX4705.N844 A25 2015 Spiritual writings of Sister Margaret of the Mother of God (1635-1643) / 1
BX4705.N87 Lonely mystic : a new portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen / 1
BX4705.N87 A34 1983 Gracias! : a Latin American journal / 3
BX4705.N87 A34 1987 Gracias! : a Latin American journal / 1
BX4705.N87 B44 2001 Befriending life : encounters with Henri Nouwen ; edited by Beth Porter with Susan M.S. Brown and Philip Coulter. 1
BX4705.N87 F67 1999 Wounded prophet : a portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen / 1
BX4705.N87 T87 2007 Turning the wheel : Henri Nouwen and our search for God / 1