Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4705.R7277 A33x Disputed questions : on being a Christian / 1
BX4705.R73 V36 1983 Rupert of Deutz / 1
BX4705.R73 W4 2000 Mystik und Institution : zu den Visionen Ruperts von Deutz / 1
BX4705.S13 A1 1737a Jacobi Sadoleti, cardinalis et episcopi carpentoractensis viri disertissimi, opera quae exstant omnia. : Quorum plura sparsim vagabantur, quaedam doctorum virorum cura nunc primum prodeunt. 1
BX4705.S13 D6 Jacopo Sadoleto, 1477-1547 : humanist and reformer. 1
BX4705.S13 R5 Un umanista teologo, Jacopo Sadoleto, 1477-1547 / 1
BX4705.S15 L35 1917 The life and letters of Sister St. Francis Xavier (Irma Le fer de la Motte) of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana 1
BX4705.S23 C57 1994 Monseigneur Saliège, archevêque de Toulouse : 1929-1956 / 1
BX4705.S236 ebook El Cardenal Sancha en la encrucijada de la Iglesia española / 1
BX4705.S24 C7 From St. Francis to Dante : a translation of all that is of primary interest in the chronicle of the Franciscan Salimbene; (1221-1288) together with notes and illustrations from other medieval sources / 1
BX4705.S24 C7 1972 From St. Francis to Dante / 1
BX4705.S24 S2413 1986 The chronicle of Salimbene de Adam / 1
BX4705.S24 S2416 1989 Storie di santi, profeti, e ciarlatani / 1
BX4705.S32 P4 Fr. Hernando de Santiago : predicador del siglo de oro (1575- 1639) 1
BX4705.S36 L53 Venetian Phoenix: Paolo Sarpi and some of his English friends (1606-1700) 1
BX4705.S36365 H93 2009 Cardinal Bendinello Sauli and church patronage in sixteenth-century Italy / 1
BX4705.S36365 H93 2009eb Cardinal Bendinello Sauli and church patronage in sixteenth-century Italy / 1
BX4705.S44 C66 1994 Paolo Segneri : un classico della tradizione cristiana : atti del Convegno internazionale di studi su Paolo Segneri, nel 300p0s anniversario della morte (1694-1994), Nettuno, 9 dicembre 1994, 18-21 maggio, 1995 / 1
BX4705.S44 P36 1999 Paolo Segneri : un classico della tradizione Cristiana : atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi su Paolo Segneri, nel 300⁰ anniversario della morte (1694-1994), Nettuno, 9 Dicembre 1994, 18-21 Maggio, 1995 / 1
BX4705.S48 W4 1998 Western learning and Christianity in China : the contribution and impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell, S.J. (1592-1666) / 1