Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4804.M33 1697 Animadversions on the defence of the answer to a paper, intituled The case of the dissenting Protestants of Ireland, in reference to a bill of indulgence from the exceptions made against it together with an answer to a peaceable & friendly address to the non-conformists written upon their desiring an act of toleration without the sacramental test. 1
BX4804 .P76 2016 Protestant communalism in the trans-Atlantic world 1650-1850 / 1
BX4804 .P76 2016eb Protestant communalism in the trans-Atlantic world, 1650-1850 / 1
BX4804 .R63 1621 The genealogie of Protestants, or A briefe discoverie of the first authours, founders & parents of their religion, who are proued by cleere and vndeniable demonstrations, out of the vvhole record of antiquitie, to haue bene the old condemned hereticks, that liued vvithin the compasse of the first six hundred yeeres after Christ. 1
BX4804 .T46 2006 Britain, Hanover and the Protestant interest, 1688-1756 / 2
BX4804 .W42 Catalogus protestantium, or, The Protestants kalender containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers daies, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue church. 1
BX4804 .W45 An end to discord wherein is demonstrated that no doctrinal controversy remains between the Presbyterian and Congregational ministers fit to justify longer divisions : with a true account of Socinianism as to the satisfaction of Christ / 2
BX4805 The Oxford history of the Protestant dissenting traditions. 1
BX4805 .L4 Histoire du protestantisme. 1
BX4805.2 .B47 1999 Religious currents and cross-currents : essays on early modern Protestantism and the Protestant enlightenment / 1
BX4805.2 .D313 Our brothers in Christ, 1870-1959 / 1
BX4805.2 .D34 No orthodoxy but the truth; a survey of Protestant theology,
No orthodoxy but the truth : a survey of Protestant theology /
BX4805.2 .H3 The progress of the Protestant : a pictorial history from the early reformers to present-day ecumenism / 1
BX4805.2 .L4133 A history of Protestantism / 1
BX4805.2 .L45 Histoire générale du protestantisme. 1
BX4805.2 .M54 1997 Faces of Latin American protestantism : 1993 Carnahan lectures / 1
BX4805.2 .M5413 1997 Faces of Latin American protestantism : 1993 Carnahan lectures / 1
BX4805.2 .P36 1999 Protestant scholasticism : essays in reassessment / 1
BX4805.2 .W4 Protestant thought in the nineteenth century. 1
BX4805.3 The Oxford history of Protestant dissenting traditions.
The Oxford history of protestant dissenting traditions.