Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4819 .H45 1623 The gagge of the new Gospel: contayning a briefe abridgement of the errors of the Protestants of our time. : With their refutation, by expresse texts of their owne English Bible. 1
BX4819 .H45 1652 The touch-stone of the reformed Gospel. Wherein sundry chief heads and tenents of the Protestant doctrine (objected by them commonly against the Catholicks) are briefly refuted: by the express texts of the Protestants own Bible, set forth and approved by the Church of England. With the ancient fathers judgements thereon, in confirmation of the Catholick doctrine. : Together with The love of the soul. 1
BX4819 .H45 1685 The touch-stone of the reformed Gospel. Wherein sundry chief heads and tenents of the Protestant doctrine (objected by them commonly against the Catholicks) are briefly refuted: by the express texts of the Protestants own Bible, set forth and approved by the Church of England. With the ancient fathers judgements thereon, in confirmation of the Catholick doctrine. Together with the love of the soul. 1
BX4819 (INTERNET) I. Question: Why are you a Catholic? The answer follows : II. Question : But why are you a Protestant? An answer attempted (in vain) /
The Protestants' doom in popish times
Dr. Stillingfleets principles giving an account of the faith of Protestants /
BX4819 .K34 The touch-stone of the Reformed Gospel wherein the principal heads and tenents of the Protestant doctrine (objected against Catholicks) are briefly refuted, by the express texts of the Protestants own Bible, set forth and approved by the Church of England : with the ancient fathers judgements thereon, in confirmation of the Catholick doctrine. 1
BX4819 .K44 The touch-stone of the reformed Gospel wherein sundry chief heads and tenets of the Protestant doctrin (objected by them commonly against the Catholics) are briefly refuted, by the express texts of the Protestants own Bible, set forth and approved by the Church of England : with the ancient fathers judgements thereon, in confirmation of the Catholic doctrin. 2
BX4819 .K56 Protestancy condemned by the expresse verdict and sentence of Protestants 2
BX4819 .L82 Lucilla and Elizabeth, or, Donatist and Protestant schism parallel'd 2
BX4819 .R46 A Request to Protestants to produce plain scriptures directly authorizing these their tenets. 2
BX4819 .T79 1685 A true and exact coppy of the several articles (together with the form of the abjuration of the Protestant religion; and confession of the Romish) imposed upon the French Protestants: 1
BX4819 .V52 1624 The Vncasing of heresie, or, The Anatomie of Protestancie
The vncasing of heresie, or, The anatomie of protestancie.
BX4819 .W74 An epistle dedicated to an honourable person in the which are discouered a dozen bad spirits, who from the beginning haue much haunted & grieuously tormented the Protestant congregation, so that euery one may perceaue, if he be not tooto [sic] partiall, and ouermuch carryed away with affection, that such an assembly cannot be the true Church of God.
Certaine articles or forcible reasons discouering the palpable absurdities, & most notorious errours of the Protestants religion.
BX4820.A24 1690 The abhorrence, or, Protestant observations in Dublin, upon the principles and practices of the Protestants at London 1
BX4820 .P4718 1859 El protestantismo y la regla de fe / 1
BX4821.3 ebook Por momentos hacia atrás... por momentos hacia adelante : una historia del protestantismo en Colombia 1825-1945 / 1
BX4825 Barth, Bonhoeffer, and modern politics / 1
BX4825 .F6 The American pulpit sketches, biographical and descriptive, of living American preachers, and of the religious movements and distinctive ideas which they represent. 1
BX4825 .H8 Ten makers of modern Protestant thought : Schweitzer, Rauschenbusch, Temple, Kierkegaard, Barth, Brunner, Niebuhr, Tillich, Bultmann, Buber. 1
BX4825 ebook Comunidad y promesa : escritos y cartas desde Barcelona / 1
BX4826 .W555 1915 Was John Wycliffe a negligent pluralist ; also, John de Trevisa, his life and work / 1