Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4818.3 .C38 1998 Deepening communion : international ecumenical documents with Roman Catholic participation / 1
BX4818.3 .E4 Rome, opponent or partner? / 1
BX4818.3 .G37 A brief examination of the present Roman Catholick faith contained in Pope Pius his new creed, by the Scriptures, antient fathers and their own modern writers, in answer to a letter desiring satisfaction concerning the visibility of the protestant church and religion in all ages, especially before Luther's time. 2
BX4818.3 .G55 Il nicodemismo. : Simulazione e dissimulazione religiosa nell'Europa del '500. 1
BX4818.3 .H2 1667 The guide in controversies, or, A rational account of the doctrine of Roman-Catholicks concerning the ecclesiastical guide in controversies of religion reflecting on the later writings of Protestants, particularly of Archbishop Lawd and Dr. Stillingfleet on this subject. / 1
BX4818.3 .H46 2003 Protestants and the cult of the saints in German-speaking Europe, 1517-1531 / 1
BX4818.3 (INTERNET) A letter to a lord upon his happy conversion from popery to the Protestant religion 1
BX4818.3 .K313 The Unfinished Reformation / 1
BX4818.3 .O38 1997 The priest and the protestant woman / 1
BX4818.3 .O94 2018 Nicodemites : faith and concealment between Italy and Tudor England / 1
BX4818.3 .P44 The antiquity of the Protestant religion. with an answer to Mr. Sclater's reasons, and the collections made by the author of the pamphlet entitled Nubes Testiumi : in a letter to a person of quality.
The antiquity of the Protestant religion. concerning images, with an answer to the collections made by the author of the pamphlet entitled Nubes Testiumi : in a letter to a person of quality.
BX4818.3 .S24 The true church of Christ exposed to the view of all sober Christians, from the Word of God, sound reason, and the ancient fathers : in opposition to the cruelties of the Spanish Inquisition /
The true church of Christ exposed to the view of all sober Christians, from the Word of God, sound reason, and the ancient fathers /
BX4818.3 .W34 A Christian warning-piece for all true Protestants by way of Christian counsel and advice to the King's most excellent Majesty, and all his good Protestant subjects, founded forth out of the written word of God : wherein is clearly shewed ... / 2
BX4818.3 .W35 2000 Is the Reformation over? : [Catholics and Protestants at the turn of the millennia] / 1
BX4818.3 -- W35 2000eb Is the Reformation Over? : Catholics and Protestants at the Turn of the Millennia. 2
BX4818.3 .W5 The Puritan convert, not to prelatick Protestantism and yet to prelatick Protestantism, nor to popery and yet to popery, but absolutely and without reserve to apostolical Christianity ..., or, A discourse by way of a letter shewing that prelatick Protestants, if they will be true to their practises and principles, have all reason to turn papists in all things as to what papists indeed hold, but in nothing as to what papists are vulgarly believed to hold ... /
The Puritan convert, not to prelatick Protestantism and yet to prelatick Protestantism, nor to popery and yet to popery, but absolutely and without reserve to apostolical Christianity ..., or, A discourse by way of a letter shewing that prelatick Protestants, if they will be true to their practises and principles, have all reason to turn papists in all things as to what papists indeed hold, but in nothing as to what papists are vulgarly believed to hold ... /
BX4819 .A34 Scolding no scholarship in the abyss, or, Groundless grounds of the Protestant religion 2
BX4819 .B3 Adelphomachia, or, The warrs of Protestancy being a treatise, wherein are layd open the wonderfull, and almost incredible dissentions of the Protestants among themselues, in most (if not all) articles of Protesta[n]cy, and this proued from their owne wordes & writinges / 1
BX4819.B7 R4 Bossuet, historien du protestantisme. : Étude sur l'Histoire des variations et sur la controverse entre les protestants et les catholiques au dix-septième siècle. 1
BX4819 .C69 The ladder of hell, or, The Protestants libertine doctrine being the broad way which leadeth the followers of it to their eternall ruine and destruction in hell / 1