Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4838 .W515 1688 Memorial der englischen Protestanten an ihre Hoheiten den Printzē und Printzessin von Oranien. 1
BX4838 .W54 2012 Militant Protestantism and British identity, 1603-1642 / 1
BX4838 .W64 1991 The Protestant Crusade in Great Britain, 1829-1860 / 1
BX4839 The Apocalypse in Ireland Prophecy and Politics in The 1820s.
Inventing the myth : political passions and the Ulster Protestant imagination /
BX4839 .A44 2016 Discovering the end of time : Irish Evangelicals in the age of Daniel O'Connell / 1
BX4839 .B35 2002 Evangelical women in Belfast : imprisoned or empowered? / 1
BX4839 .B67 1995 History and the shaping of Irish Protestantism / 1
BX4839 .G75 2007 God's Irishmen : theological debates in Cromwellian Ireland / 1
BX4839 .I74 An act for incouraging Protestant-strangers and others to inhabit and plant in the kingdom of Ireland 2
BX4839 (INTERNET) A new letter from London-Derry giving a farther account of the late good success, obtain'd by the protestants in Ireland, against the French and Irish papists: with the speech of that reverend divine, and protestant champion, Mr. VValker, to the soldiers of that garrison, before they made that last great sally upon the enemy.
The character of the Protestants of Ireland impartially set forth in a letter, in answer to seven queries ... : with remarks upon the great charge England is like to be at with those people, and the destruction of that kingdom by famine, if not prevented.
The Case of the forfeitures in Ireland fairly stated with the reasons that induced the Protestants there to purchase them.
The substance of a sermon, being an incouragement for Protestants or, A happy prospect of glorious success: with exhortations to be valiant against our enemies, in opposing the bloody principle of papists, and errors of popery, &c. Occasionally on the Protestants victory over the French and Irish papists before London-Derry, in raising that desperate siege. By Mr. Walker minister, and governor of the city.
The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion.
BX4839 .M44 2000 The Irish Protestant churches in the twentieth century / 1
BX4839 .P74 1689 The present dangerous condition of the Protestants in Ireland; with a new order of Tyrconil's: In a letter from Dublin, February 19. 168⁸/₉ 1
BX4839 .S33 The Sad and lamentable condition of the Protestants in Ireland being an account of the barbarous proceedings of the natives against the English : as also of the facility of rescuing those distressed Protestants out of the hands of the bloody papists, provided there be a speedy supply from England. 2
BX4839 .S36 1689 Act allowing Irish Protestants to return to Ireland. Edinburgh, the 16th of August, 1689. 1
BX4839 .S64 A most honourable and worthy speech made in the House of Commons in Parliament on Wednesday Decemb. 29, 1641, by Mr. Smith, Esquire concerning the miserable and distressed estate of the Protestants of Ireland ... : as also his humble motion for the suppressing of the riotous and tumultuous assemblies of divers citizens and others who are the disturbers of both Houses of Parliament in handling the ... affayres of these two Kingdomes, England and Ireland. 2
BX4839 .S74 2012 Protestant identity and peace in Northern Ireland 1
BX4839 .T6 1690 To our rev[erend brethren the] ministers of the several parishes [to whom t]he second brief for relief of the poo[r P]rotestants of Ireland shall come. 1
BX4839 .T63 2012 The minority voice : Hubert Butler and Southern Irish Protestantism, 1900-1991 / 1
BX4839 .U58 2002 Untold stories : Protestants in the Republic of Ireland, 1922-2002 / 1
BX4840 .C384 2013 Different Under God : a Survey of Church-going Protestants in Singapore. 2