BX4891.2 ebook
Los cátaros |
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BX4891.3 .B36 2017eb
The Cathars : Dualist heretics in Languedoc in the High Middle Ages / |
1 |
BX4891.3 .B37 2007eb
La cruzada albigense y el imperio aragonés la verdadera historia de los cátaros, Jaime I el Conquistador y la expansión de la corona de Aragón / |
1 |
BX4891.3 .B54 2007
Hérésie et inquisition dans le Midi de la France / |
1 |
BX4891.3 .B78 2009
The wandering heretics of Languedoc / |
2 |
BX4891.3.B78 2009
The Wandering Heretics of Languedoc. |
1 |
BX4891.3 .G66 2013
La tragique éradication du christianisme cathare : une solution finale au XIIIe siècle / |
1 |
BX4891.3 .T39 2005
Heresy in medieval France : dualism in Aquitaine and the Agenais, 1000-1249 / |
1 |
BX4891.3 .T392 2011
Heresy, crusade and inquisition in medieval Quercy / |
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BX4891.3 .W55 2003
The chronicle of William of Puylaurens : the Albigensian crusade and its aftermath / |
2 |
Lollard sermons / |
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BX4900 .D8
Rogeri Dymmok Liber contra XII errores et hereses Lollardorum / |
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BX4900 .E53 1983
English Wycliffite sermons / |
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BX4900 .S44 1981
Selections from English Wycliffite writings / |
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BX4901 .S8
The Lollards, or, Some account of the witnesses for the truth in Great Britain from A. D. 1400 to A. D. 1546 : with a brief notice of events connected with the early history of the Reformation. |
1 |
BX4901.2 .A84 1984
Lollards and reformers : images and literacy in late medieval religion / |
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BX4901.2 .A84 1984eb
Lollards and reformers : images and literacy in late medieval religion / |
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BX4901.2 .H83 1985
Lollards and their books / |
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BX4901.2 .H84 1988
The premature reformation : Wycliffite texts and Lollard history / |
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BX4901.2 .L65 1997
Lollardy and the gentry in the later Middle Ages / |
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