Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5031 Lent-preachers at court 1
BX5031 .C37 1661 A Catalogue of the prelates and clergie of the province of Canterbury, in the lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster 2
BX5031 .C372 A Catalogue of the divines approved of by the House of Commons for the severall counties underwritten.
A Catalogue of the divines approved of by the House of Commons for the severall counties underwritten ..
BX5031 .C8 Crockford's clerical directory. 1
BX5031 .D58 The Division of the county of Essex into severall classes together with the names of the ministers and others fit to be of each classis [sic] ; ... for the judging of scandall, and approving the classes in the severall counties of England. 2
BX5031 .L44 1685 Lent preachers appointed by the Lord-Bishop of London, to preach on Wednesdays and Fridays. For the year 1684/5. At St. Michaels-Cornhill. St. Dunstans in the West. 1
BX5031 .L44 1686 Lent-preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London to preach on Wednesdays and Fridays for the year 1685/6 at St. Michael's Cornhill. St. Lawrence's St. Dunstan's in the West. St. James's. 1
BX5031 .L44 1691 A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London to preach in the city and suburbs of London in Lent 1691 on Wednesdays and Fridays in the Churches of ..
A list of the Lent-preachers appointed to preach before Their Majesties in the Royal Chapel for the year 1690/1
BX5031 .L44 1692 A list of the preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London to preach in the city and suburbs of London in Lent 1692 on Wednesdays and Fridays in the churches of S. Peter's Cornhil. S. Laurence. S. Brides. S. Anne, Westminster. 1
BX 5033 .C58 1700 A collection of articles, canons, injunctions, &c. together with several acts of Parliament concerning ecclesiastical matters; some whereof are to be read in churches. 1
BX5033 .R445 2012eb Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense : the register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham, 1311-1316. 4
BX5033.5 1688 C35 The articles recommended by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury to all the bishops within his metropolitan jurisdiction, the 16th of July, 1688 1
BX5033.5 1699 .T36 His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lord's Biships of his province. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Norwich. 1
BX5033.5 1699 .T46 His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishops of his province. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor.
His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishops of his province. To the Reverend the Lord Bishop of Winchester.
His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishops of his province. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishop of his province. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
BX5033.5 1699 T46 His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Right Reverend the Lords Bishops of his province 1
BX5034 Questions to be disputed in counsell of the lords spirituall after their returne from their visitation
Articles of enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical within the Diocese of Chester in the primary episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend father in God, John Lord Bishop of Chester, anno Dom. 1671.
Articles of inquiry for the visitation of the Reverend John Burton, Archdeacon of Cleveland, anno Domini, 1687
Articles to be enquired of in the visitation of the [blank]
BX5034 .A15 Charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Diocese of Llandaff, at his fourth visitation, May 21st, 1894 /
A pastoral to the Diocese of Winchester /
A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the diocese : ... at his first visitation, May and June. 1894 /
A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Rochester October 29, 30, 31, 1894 / by Randall T. Davidson.
Charge, delivered in the cathedral church of S. Nicholas, on the second day of December, and in the parish church of Alnwick, on the third day of December, 1891 /
Charge ... delivered at his second triennial visitation, 1891.
Churchmen and the higher criticism : a charge delivered to his diocese ... in St. Thomas' Cathedral, Bombay on 28th February 1893 /
The Spiritual & devotional aspects of Holy Communion : charge by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Wakefield at his second triennial visitation, delivered at Wakefield, April 17th, and at Halifax, April 19th, 1894.
Charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Diocese of Llandaff, at his third visitation, May, 1891 /
A charge delivered to the clergy & churchwardens of the diocese of Bath & Wells, at his seventh triennial visitation, held in April, 1891.
A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the diocese at his primary visitation, May 29th to June 8th 1894 /
A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the diocese at his second visitation April and May, 1893 /
A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Diocese of Worcester at his visitation in June, 1886 /
BX5034.B36 C87 1670 Articles of visitation & enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Oxon in the second episcopal visitation of the Right Reverened Father in God, Walter by divine permission Lord Bishop of Oxon. 1
BX5034.B4 Iniunctions geeuen by the Reuerend Father in Christe Thomas by Gods prouidence, Byshop of Couen[try] and Lichf. as well to the clergie, as to the church-wardens and enquirers of euery seuerall parish as well of hys peculier as generall iurisdiction wythin and of the Diocesse of Couen[try] and Lichf. to be obserued and kept of euery of them in their offices and callinges, as to them shall appertaine, for thaduauncement of Gods honor, thincrease of vertue, and good order to be continued within his sayd Diocesse, and the same to be enquired of and put in vse by all the archdeacons, commissaries, and other officers exercising ecclesiasticall iurisdiction vnder the sayd byshop, according to the limits of their seuerall offices and iurisdictions, in their synodes, visitations, inquiries, and courtes. 1
BX5034.C48 1700 Good brother, intending by God's blessing, to be ready on [blank] in the parish-church of [blank] after [blank] prayers, to confirm such of your parish as have not been yet confirmed, that it may be done to the more edification and greater advantage of your flock, I thought good to send you these following directions. 1