Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5034.S75 C87 1693 Articles of visitation and enquiry, concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the ministers and church-wardens of every parish within the Diocese of Worcester, at the triennial visitation of the Right Reverened Father in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester, A.D. 1693 1
BX5034.T55 C87 1693 Articles of enquiry, in a parochial visitation of the churches (as well exempt as not exempt) in the city of London, and liberties thereof, made as well by the most reverened father in God John, by the providence of God, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, primate and metropolitane of all Englande, as by the right reverend father in God Henry, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of London, and the Reverend William Sherlock, doctor of divinity, dean of the cathedral church of S. Paul 1
BX5034.T66 C87 1687 Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers and church-wardens within the Diocess of Worcester, in the triennial vistation of the Right Reverened Father in God William by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Worcester, 1687. 1
BX5034 .U42 1660 The Bishop of Armaghes direction, concerning the lyturgy, and episcopall government being thereunto requested by the honourable, the House of Commons, and then presented in the year 1642. 2
BX5034.W6 (INTERNET) The Bishop of Worcester's charge to the clergy of his diocese, in his primary visitation begun at Worcester, Sept. 11, 1690 1
BX5034 .W74 1665 Articles of enquiry, (with some directions intermingled) for the diœcese of Ely in the second visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God, Matthew, Lord Bishop of that diœcese, anno Dom. 1665. 1
BX5035 .F76 1999 From Cranmer to Davidson : a Church of England miscellany / 1
BX5035 .P2 The Parker society... : for the publication of the works of the fathers and early writers of the reformed English church / 1
BX5037 .A2 1977 The Folger Library edition of the works of Richard Hooker /
The Folger Library edition of the works of Richard Hooker
BX5037 .A2 1977 v. 1-4 BV649 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity / 1
BX5037.A2 1977 vol. 1-4 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity / 1
BX5037 .A2 1977 vol. 6 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity / 1
BX5037 .A43 1689 The compleat works of that eminent minister of God's word Mr. Isaac Ambrose, consisting of these following treatises, viz. Prima, Media, & Ultima: or, The first, middle, & last things ... With a sermon added, concerning Redeeming the time; Looking unto Jesus; War with devils; Ministration of, and communion with angels. 1
BX5037 .A5 Ninety-six sermons /
Tortura Torti, sive, Ad Matthaei Torti librum responsio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam Serenissimi Potentissimiqve Principis, Iacobi, Dei Gratia, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Regis, pro Ivramento Fidelitatis.
BX5037 .A5 1632 XCVI. sermons 1
BX5037 .B32 1615 The workes of the right reuerend father in God Geruase Babington, late Bishop of VVorcester containing comfortable notes vpon the fiue bookes of Moses, viz. Genesis, Exodus, Leuiticus, Numbers, Deuteronomie ... as also an exposition vpon [brace] the Creed, [brace] not before published, the Commandements, the Lords Prayer, with a [brace] conference betwixt mans frailtie and faith, and three sermons : with alphabeticall tables of the principall matters of each seuerall worke. 1
BX5037 .C5 1978 The works, 1738 / 4
BX5037 .C76 The work of Thomas Cranmer / 1
BX5037 .C769 1833 The remains of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury / 1
BX5037 .D86 1684 Dunton's remains, or, The dying pastour's last legacy to his friends and parishioners comprehending these following treatises viz. I. An affectionate discourse upon the parable of dives and Lazarus, II. The penitent prodigal on his knees with the reason and manner of his returning home to his fathers house, III. His farewell sermon, IV. Closet employment, V. A looking-glass for our English ladies, or, Daily directions for their dress and apparel, VI. A friendly dialogue between a moderate conformist and one of his parishioners, concerning several points of great moment, VII. Remarks upon the bloody persecution of the Duke of Guise, VIII. The arraignment, tryal, and execution of our Saviour Christ, with his last words upon the cross / 1