Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5037 .P47 1631 |
The whole works of that famous and worthy minister of Christ in the Vniversitie of Cambridge, M. William Perkins, in three volumes. with distinct chapters and contents of every booke prefixed, and two tables of the whole adjoyned, one of the matter and questions, the other of choice places of Scripture. The workes of that famous and worthy minister of Christ in the Universitie of Cambridge, M. VV. Perkins. containing his learned expositions of sundry choice places of Scripture, with some little tractates, the particulars whereof thou maist see in the next page, with the order of their placing : hereto is adjoyned a two-fold table, one of the chiefe points and questions, the other of choice places of Scripture. The works of that famous and worthy minister of Christ in the Vniversitie fo Cambridge, M. William Perkins. with distinct chapters, and contents of every booke prefixed, and two tables of the whole adjoyned, one of the matters and questions, the other of choice places of Scripture. |
3 |
BX5037 .R28 | Canterbury pilgrim / | 1 |
BX5037 .R46 | The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Reynolds, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Norwich ... with a collection of thirty sermons preached on several occasions. | 2 |
BX5037.S54 E88 1637 | Essex dove presenting the world with a few of her olive branches, or, A taste of the workes of that reverend, faithfull, iudicious, learned, and holy minister of the Word, Mr. John Smith, late preacher of the Word at Clavering in Essex, and sometime fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Oxford delivered in three severall treatises, viz., 1. His grounds of religion, 2. An exposition on the Lords prayer, 3. A treatise of repentance. | 1 |
BX5037 .V45 | XII sermons preached upon several publick occasions | 2 |
BX5037 .W557 2015eb | Hospitality and translation : exploration of how muslim pupils translate their faith in the context of an anglican primary school / | 1 |
BX5037 .W6 | Miscellanies, literary and religious. | 1 |
BX5041 .T56 | Milke for children, or, A plain and easie method teaching to read and write together with briefe instructions for all sorts of people ... : as also an appendix of prayer / | 2 |
BX5049 .N693 1570 | Catechismvs, siue prima institutio, disciplina'qve pietatis Christianae, Latinè explicata. | 1 |
BX5052 .H6 1901 | A History of the English church / | 1 |
BX5052 .H6 1967 | The English church; from its foundation to the Norman conquest (597-1066) / | 1 |
BX5053 | Grace and conformity : the reformed conformist tradition and the early Stuart Church of England / | 1 |
BX5053.D56 1646 | An answer sent to the acclesiasticall assembly at London. By the reverend, noble, and learned man John Deodate, the famous professour of divinity, and most vigilant pastour of Genevah. | 1 |
A treatise of the ministery of the Church of England Wherein is handled this question, whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. Which is discussed in two letters, the one written for it, the other against it. Wherevnto is annexed, after the preface, A brief declaration of the ordinary officers of the Church of Christ. And, a few positions. Also in the end of the treatise, some notes touching the Lordes prayer. Seuen questions. A table of some principal thinges conteyned in this treatise. Some modest reflections upon Mr. Stephens's late book, entituled, A plain relation of the late action at sea, between the English, Dutch, and French fleets, from June 22 to July 5 last with reflections thereupon, and upon the present state of the nation, &c. : with a vindication of the Church of England from what he has therein advanc'd against her / A supplement to Dr. Du Moulin, treating of the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the Church of England With a brief vindication of Mr. Rich. Baxter. / The svmme and svbstance of the conference which, it pleased his excellent Maiestie to haue with the lords, bishops, and other of his clergie, (at vvhich the most of the lordes of the councell were present) in his Maiesties priuy-chamber, at Hampton Court. Ianuary 14. 1603. / The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated in the three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church : I. The obligation of Christianity by divine right, II. The jurisdiction of the Church by divine right, III. The institution of episcopal superiority by divine right / Reflections upon Mr. Johnson's notes on the pastoral letter The unreasonableness of separation, or, An impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas of the present separation from the communion of the Church of England to which, several late letters are annexed, of eminent Protestant divines abroad, concerning the nature of our differences, and the way to compose them / Hudibras on Calamy's imprisonment, and Wild's poetry To the bishops. A discourse concerning the Ecclesiastical Commission, open'd in the Jerusalem-Chamber, October the 10th, 1689 The historie of the defendors of the Catholique faith discoursing the state of religion in England, and the care of the politique state for religion during the reignes of King Henrry 8. Edward. 6. Queene Marie. Elizabeth. And our late souereigne, King Iames. ... : with all, declaring by what means these kings & queenes haue obtained this title, defendor of the faith, and wherein they haue deserued it ... / An historical vindication of the Church of England in point of schism as it stands separated from the Roman, and was reformed I. Elizabeth. Ichabod, or, Five groans of the church prudently foreseeing, and passionately bewailing her second fall : threatened by these five dangerous, though undiscerned, miscarriages that caused her first : viz. [bracket] 1. Undue ordination, 2. Loose prophaness, 3. Unconscionable symony, 4. Careless non-residence, 5. Encroaching pluralities : humbly presented to her supreme Head and Governour, the Kings most excellent majesty, and his great council, the Parliament of England. A tract concerning schism and schismatiqves wherein is briefly discovered the originall causes of all schisme / |
13 |
BX5053 .L48 1688 | A letter of advice to all the members of the Church of England to come to the divine service morning and evening every day. | 1 |
BX5053 .P73x | The vestments controversy : an historical study of the earliest tensions within the Church of England in the reigns of Edward VI and Elizabeth / | 1 |
BX5053 .S46 | A short view and defence of the reformation of the Church of England by King Edward and Q. Elizabeth wherein her doctrine, litturgie and discipline are considered and prefer'd before all others. | 2 |
BX5053 .S63 2000 | ||
BX5053 .S63 2000eb | The Church in an age of danger : parsons and parishioners, 1660-1740 / | 2 |
BX5053 .S74 | The unreasonableness of separation, or, An impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas of the present separation from the communion of the Church of England to which, several late letters are annexed, of eminent Protestant divines abroad, concerning the nature of our differences, and the way to compose them / | 2 |