Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5085 .S68 1991 | The Restoration Church of England, 1646-1689 / | 1 |
BX5085 .S73 1688 | James Stewart's answer to a letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel, pensioner to the states of Holland & West-Friesland concerning the repeal of the penal laws and tests. | 2 |
BX5086 .G73 | The resigned & resolved Christian, and faithful & undaunted royalist in tvvo plaine farevvell-sermons, & a loyal farevvell-visitation-speech, both deliver'd amidst the lamentable confusions occasioned by the late forreign invasion & home-defection of His Majesties subjects in England / | 1 |
BX5086 .P47 | A short and sure method proposed for the extirpation of popery in the space of a few years | 2 |
BX5086 .S84 | The spirit of the church-faction detected, in its nature and operations more particularly in the mystery of the convocation-book lately published and exposed to the view and censure of the world by the late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and the progress of the faction, and the mischiefs thereof, the late civil war, and our present disappointments. | 2 |
BX5087 | Allegiance in church and state : the problem of the nonjurors in the English revolution / | 1 |
BX5087 .A35 | An admonition for the fifth of November | 2 |
BX5087 .C65 | A caution against inconsistency, or, The connexion between praying and swearing in relation to the civil powers. | 2 |
BX5087.D63 1641 | The doctrine of the Church of England concerning the independency of the clergy on the lay-power as to those rights of theirs which are purely spiritual, reconciled with our oath of supremacy, and the lay-deprivations of the popish-bishops in the beginning of the reformation / | 1 |
BX5087 .G46 |
A modest apology for the suspended bishops with a brief vindication of the address which was signed in their favour by the Grand-Jury of the county of Gloucester, at the last Lent assizes / A letter to the authors of the answers to The case of allegiance due to sovereign princes, stated and resolved, by Dr. William Sherlock |
4 |
BX5087 .G64 1687 | Good advice to the Church of England, Roman Catholick, and Protestant Dissenter in which it is endeavoured to be made appear that it is their duty, principles & interest, to abolish the penal laws & tests. | 1 |
BX5087 .G72 |
Two letters written to the author of a pamphlet entituled Solomon and Abiathar, or, The case of the deprived bishops and clergy discussed Epistola ad Humfredum Hody, Collegii Wadhamensis in Academia Oxoniensi socium de Tractatu è scriniis Baroccianis Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ, & ab illo nuper edito, conscripta. |
4 |
BX5087 .H3 2023 | Allegiance in church and state : the problem of the nonjurors in the English revolution / | 1 |
BX5087 .H62 |
A letter from Mr. Humphry Hody to a friend concerning a collection of ca[n]ons said to be deceitfully omitted in his edition of the Oxford treatise against schism : in which is likewise contained offer of certain propositions to be prov'd by the advocates for the new separation. A letter from Mr. Humphry Hody to a friend concerning a collection of ca[n]ons said to be deceitfully omitted in his edition of the Oxford treatise against schism : in which is likewise contained offer of certain propositions to be prov'd by the advocates for the new separation .. |
2 |
BX5087.H62 E33 1717i | The old English constitution vindicated and set in a true light offer'd to the consideration of the Bishop of Bangor, with an appendix containing some reflections upon His Lordship's candor, sincerity, erudition, and strong reasoning in his preservative, or, appeal to the Christian laity / | 1 |
A letter from Mr. Humphry Hody to a friend concerning a collection of ca[n]ons said to be deceitfully omitted in his edition of the Oxford treatise against schism : in which is likewise contained offer of certain propositions to be prov'd by the advocates for the new separation. A vindication of the deprived Bishops, asserting their spiritual rights against a lay-deprivation, against the charge of schism, as managed by the late editors of an anonymous Baroccian ms in two parts ... to which is subjoined the latter end of the said ms. omitted by the editors, making against them and the cause espoused by them, in Greek and English. A defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops wherein the case of Abiathar is particularly considered, and the invalidity of lay-deprivations is further proved, from the doctrine received under the Old Testament, continued in the first ages of christianity, and from our own fundamental laws, in a reply to Dr. Hody and another author : to which is annexed, the doctrine of the church of England, concerning the independency of the clergy on the lay-power, as to those rights of theirs which are purely spiritual, reconciled with our oath of supremancy, and the lay-deprivations of the popish bishops in the beginning of the reformation / A caution against inconsistency, or, The connexion between praying and swearing in relation to the civil powers. Of Christian communion to be kept on in the unity of Christs church and among the professors of truth and holiness : and of the obligations, both of faithful pastors to administer orthodox and holy offices, and of faithful people to communicate in the same : fitted for persecuted or divided or corrupt states of churches when they are either born down by secular persecutions or broken with schisms or defiled with sinful offices and ministrations. |
5 |
BX5087 .K46 1703i | A dutiful letter to which is adjoyn'd, another : to prove non-jurors no schismaticks. | 1 |
BX5087 .K47 | Of Christian communion to be kept on in the unity of Christs church and among the professors of truth and holiness : and of the obligations, both of faithful pastors to administer orthodox and holy offices, and of faithful people to communicate in the same : fitted for persecuted or divided or corrupt states of churches when they are either born down by secular persecutions or broken with schisms or defiled with sinful offices and ministrations. | 2 |
BX5087 .L3 | A history of the Nonjurors : their controversies and writings: with remarks on some of the rubrics in the Book of common prayer. | 1 |
BX5087 .L47 |
A Letter to a person of quality concerning the archbishop of Canterbury's sentence of deprivation against the bishop of St. Davids. A Letter to a member of the House of Commons concerning the proceedings against the bishop of St. David's. |
2 |