Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5087 .M52 | A midnight touch at an unlicens'd pamphlet, called, A vindication of the arch-bishop, and several other bishops | 1 |
BX5087 .S36 | A Scourge for a fool, or, An Answer to a late scandalous piece of nonsense entituled, A Hue and cry after the Bishop of Ely | 2 |
BX5087 .S42 | Seasonable considerations | 2 |
BX5087 .V56 1690 | A vindication of the Arch-Bishop and several other bishops, from the imputations and calumnies cast upon them by the author of The modest enquiry. | 1 |
BX5087 .W44 | A second defence of the Church of England from the charge of schism and heresy, as laid against it by the vindicator of the deprived bishops in answer to two discourses, entitul'd, A defence of the Vindication of the deprived bishops, and, The doctrine of the Church of England concerning the independency of the clergy on the lay-power. | 2 |
BX5087 .W57 | A letter from a city-minister to a member of the high and honourable Court of Parliament concerning the present affairs being a vindication of the Church of England-clergy, for their owning and praying for K. William & Q. Mary. | 2 |
BX5088 .A73 2015 | Lay activism and the high church movement of the late eighteenth century : the life and thought of William Stevens, 1732-1807 / | 2 |
BX5088 .C48 1993 |
The Church of England, c.1689-c.1833 : from toleration to Tractarianism / The Church of England c.1689-c.1833 : From Toleration to Tractarianism / |
2 |
BX5088 .D64 2000 | Revolution, religion, and national identity : imperial Anglicanism in British North America, 1745-1795 / | 1 |
BX5088 .G52 1995 | The achievement of the Anglican church, 1689-1800 : the confessional state in eighteenth century England / | 1 |
BX5088 .G53 1994 | Church, state and society, 1760-1850 / | 1 |
BX5088 .J33 1996 | Lay people and religion in the early eighteenth century / | 1 |
BX5088 .P5 2018 | The Church of England in the eighteenth century / | 1 |
BX5088 .Y68 1998 | Religion and enlightenment in eighteenth-century England : theological debate from Locke to Burke / | 2 |
BX5091.C7 M6 1685 | The spiritual guide which disintangles the soul, and brings it by the inward way, to the getting of perfect contemplation, and the rich treasure of internal peace. / | 1 |
BX5092.A5 B76 | Reflections to a late book entituled The genuine remains of Dr. Tho. Barlow, late Bishop of Lincoln falsly pretended to be published from his Lordship's original papers : with a catalogue of Socinian writers. | 2 |
BX5092.A5 E5 1695 | Directions to our arch-bishops and bishops, for the preserving of unity in the church, and the purity of the Christian faith, concerning the Holy Trinity. | 1 |
BX5092.A5 G66 1674 | A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant religion and Church of England with several seasonable considerations offer'd to all English Protestants, tending to perswade them to a complyance with and conformity to the religion and government of this church as it is established by the laws of the Kingdom. | 2 |
BX5092.A5 G66 1675 |
A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant religion and Church of England with several seasonable considerations offer'd to all English Protestants tending to perswade them to a complyance with and conformity to the religion and government of this Church as it is established by the laws of the Kingdom. A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant religion and Church of England with several seasonable considerations offer'd to all English Protestants, tending to perswade them to a complyance with the conformity to the religion and government of this Church as it is established by the law of the kingdom. |
4 |
BX5092.A5 G66 1684 | A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant religion and Church of England with several seasonable considerations offer'd to all English Protestants, tending to perswade them to a complyance with and conformity to the religion and government of this church as it is established by the laws of the Kingdom. | 2 |