Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5107 .S3 1637 Articles to be inquired of in the Diocesse of S. Asaph. In the third visitation of the Reuerend father in God Iohn Lord Bishop of S. Asaph 1637. 1
BX5107 .S3 1662 Articles of visitation & enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Saint Asaph, in the primary episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, George, by divine providence, Lord Bishop of Saint Asaph. 2
BX5107.S3 A6 1679 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, vicesimo nono & tricesimo. at the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May, anno Dom. 1661 : in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, &c : and by several prorogations and adjournments there continued to the 28th day of January in the 29th year of His Majesties reign .. 1
BX5107.S3 A7 Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the Diocess of Sarum. In the episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God Seth by divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum. 1
BX5107 .S4 1662 Articles of visitation & enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the dioecese of Saint David, in the first episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, William, by divine providence, Lord Bishop of Saint David. 2
BX5107 .S4 1671 Articles of visitation & enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Saint David, in the triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, William, by divine providence, Lord Bishop of Saint David, for the year 1671. 2
BX5107.S4 R45 2015 Religion and society in the Diocese Of St David's, 1485-2011 / 1
BX5107.S4 R45 2016 Religion and society in the Diocese of St David's 1485-2011 1
BX5107.S6 Guide to the records of the bishop, the archdeacons of Salisbury and Wiltshire, and other archidiaconal and peculiar jurisdictions, and to the records from the bishop of Bristol's sub-registry for Dorset / 1
BX5107 .S6 1595 Articles to be enquired of, within the county and Archdeaconry of Berkes in the second visitation of the reverend Father in God, Iohn Lord Bishop of Sarum in the 37. yeare of our most gratious Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God, &c. Whereunto are also very necessarily added, the forme of the oath for the Church-wardens and sidemen, and some speciall matters inserted and given in charge, as by way of iniunction to be duely observed from time to time, as occcasion [sic] shall be offered. 1
BX5107 .S6 1614 Articles of inquirie, given in charge by the Right Reverend Father in god, Henrie by the prouidence of almightie God Bishop of Sarum, to be answered unto by way of presentment vpon oath, by the churchwardens and sidemen of each parish and chapell throughout the Diocesse of Sarum, in his ordinary and triennall visitation intended to be holden in [--] next comming, in anno dom. 1614. as followeth. 1
BX5107 .S6 1616 Articles to be enquired of, vvithin the Dioces of Sarisburie, in the first visitation of the Right Reuerend Father, Robert by the prouidence of God, lord bishop of Sarum. Holden in the yeare of our Lord God, 1616. 1
BX5107 .S6 1635 Articles to be enqvired of in the Diocesse of Salisbvrie. In the visitation of the Reverend Father in God, Iohn Lord Bishop of Sarvm. Anno Dom. 1635. 1
BX5107.S6 1677 Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the Diocese of Sarum in the episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend father in God Seth by divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum. 1
BX5107.S6 1683 Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, churchwardens, and side-men of every parish within the Dioces of Sarum : in the episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God Seth by divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum. 1
BX5107 .S6 1692 Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the Diocese of Sarum. In the triennial episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend father in God Gilbert, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Sarum. 1
BX5107.S6 A78 Articles to be enquired of in the Diocese of Salisbury in the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God Humfrey Lord Bishop of Sarum, Anno Domini 1662. 2
BX5107.S6 A78 1581 Articles to be enquired of in the visitation of the right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn Byshop of Sarisburie, throughout all the same dioces of Sarisburie. In the xxiij. yeare of the raigne of our most gratious soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, defender of the fayth. &c. 1
BX5107.S6 C48 1664 Articles of enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical within the diocese of Sarum. In the primary episcopal visitation of the right reverend father in God John Lord Bishop of Sarum. An. Dom. 1664. 1
BX5107.S6 (INTERNET) Melchisedek Concio de æterno Christi sacerdotio, in visitatione cathedrali tou makaritou Sethi Episcopi Sarisburiensis, habita. / 1