Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5108 .N6 1662 Articles to be enquired of by the ministers and church-wardens of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Northumberland. Which are given in charge, in the annual visitation of Isaac Basire, D.D. and Arch-Deacon of that jursdiction. 1
BX5108 .N6 1673 Articles collected out of the rubrick of the Book of common-prayer, and other ecclesiastical laws now in force. For the help and assistance of the church-wardens and side-men (with the assistance of their ministers) of every parish within the Arch-Deaconry of Norwich in the visitation of the Reverend John Reynolds M.A. Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of Norwich. In the year of our Lord God 1673. Owen Hughes Dr. of Laws, official. 1
BX5108.N62 A7 1671 Articles collected out of the rubrick of the Book of common-prayer, and other ecclesiastical laws now in force. For the help and assistance of the church-wardens and side-men (with the assistance of their ministers) of every parish within the Arch-Deaconry of Norfolk. In the visitation of the Reverend Edward Reynolds M.A. Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of Norfolk. In the year of our Lord God 1671. Sir Justinian Lewyn knight, and Dr. of Laws, official. 1
BX5108.N63 A7 1677 Articles collected out of the rubrick of the Book of common-prayer, and other ecclesiastical laws now in force. For the help and assistance of the church-wardens and side-men (with the assistance of their ministers) of every parish within the Arch-Deaconry of Norwich in the visitation of the Reverend John Reynolds M.A. Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of Norwich. In the year of our Lord God 1677. Owen Hughes Dr. of Laws, official. 1
BX5108 .N66 Articles to be enquired of within the archdeaconry of Northampton, at the visitation of the Right Worshipfull John Quarles, Doctor of Divinity, arch-deacon there, holden anno. Dom. 1664. 1
BX5108 .N66 1666 Articles to be enquired of in the visitation of the worshipful John Palmer, Archdeacon of Northampton 1
BX5108.N66 C58 Articles to be inquired of within the archdeaconry of Northampton at the visitation of the Right Worshipfull John Quarles, Doctor of Divinity, Archdeacon there, holden anno. Dom. 1662 2
BX5108 .N67 Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and side-men (with the assistance of their ministers) of every parish within the Arch-deaconry of Norwich, in the visitation of the right worshipfull Doctor William Gery, arch-deacon of Norwich. : In the year of our Lord God, 166[4] 1
BX5108.N67 A7 Articles to be enquired of by the church-wardens and side-men (with the assistance of their ministers) of every parish within the Arch-deaconry of Norwich in the visitation of Dr. William Gery Arch-deacon in the year of our Lord God 1666. 2
BX5108.R53 A73 2013eb The Archdeaconry of Richmond in the eighteenth century : Bishop Gastrell's 'Notitia' --The Yorkshire parishes 1714-1725 / 1
BX5108 .S2 1662 Articles to be enquired of within the archdeaconry of Saint Albans in the visitation of Mark Franck D.D., Arch-deacon of St. Albans, holden the [sic] in year of our Lord 1662. 2
BX5108 .S8 1638 Articles to be enquired of, : by the church-wardens, and sworne-men, in the visitation of the Right Worshipfull, the Archdeacon of Surrie. 1
BX5108.S82 C48 1672 Articles for visitation concerning certain matters ecclesiastical: exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens and side-men of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Sudbury. In the fifth visitation of John Spencer D.D. Archdeacon of Sudbury. 1
BX5108 .S93 1639 Articles to be enquired of in the ordinary visitation of the right worshipfull, Mr. Doctor Pearson, Archdeacon of Suffolke, Anno Domini. 1639. 1
BX5108 .W56 1685 Articles of visitation and enquiry, concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and sidemen, of every parish within the archdeaconry of Winchester, in the visitation of the Reverend Tho. Clutterbuck, D.D., Archdeacon of Winton, anno Domini, 1685. 2
BX5109 .D Fasti parochiales. 1
BX5110 Giles Criplegate The particulars of the rates of church-duties: agreed upon at a generall meeting of the parish, the fourth of November, 1644. 1
BX5110.L5 D3 2002 Anglican resurgence under W.F. Hook in early Victorian Leeds : church life in a nonconformist town, 1836-1851 / 1
BX5110.S87 C48 1997 Accommodating high churchmen : the clergy of Sussex, 1700-1745 / 1
BX5110 .W47 1662 Articles to be enquired of within the commissariship of Westminster by the church-wardens and sworne-men in every parish, and presentments to be made thereof to the Commissaries Court, given anno Domini 166[2?] 2