Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5131.3 .Q53 2009 | The Church of England and Christian antiquity : the construction of a confessional identity in the 17th century / | 1 |
BX5131.3 .Q53 2009eb | The Church of England and Christian antiquity : the construction of a confessional identity in the 17th century / | 1 |
BX5131.3 .T47 2018 | All things Anglican : who we are and what we believe / | 1 |
BX5131.3 .V37 2023 | Defusing the sexuality debate : Anglican Evangelicals in conflict / | 1 |
BX5132 |
Articles of enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the church-wardens of the several parishes within the Archdeaconry of Lewes : for directions to them in their presentments at the visitation of Joseph Sayer, B.D. Arch-Deacon of Lewes. A discourse of profiting by sermons : and of going to hear, where men think they can profit most. |
2 |
BX5132 .A57 1629 | Anti-montacutum. An appeale or remonstrance of the orthodox ministers of the Church of England; against Richard Mountagu clerke, lately made Byshop of Chichester. To the most illustrious, high, and honble. [sic] court of Parlament, novv assembled. And if the Parlament breake uppe, to the nobilitie, orthodox clergie, gentrie, and communaltie of England. With the proceedings against him in Bow-Church. And an epistle to B. Mountagu him-selfe. As also, a supplication of the ministers of Scotland against the sayd Mountagu. Wherein the mysterie of Mountaguisme is revealed. An Arminian or Mountaguists character is added. | 1 |
BX5132 .A66 | An Apology for the organs and prayers used in the Church of England in answer to some fanatical reflections upon bells and crutches in a letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend. | 2 |
BX5132 .C538 2016eb | Stewards of God's Delight : Becoming Priests of the New Creation. | 1 |
BX5132 .D47 1671 | The Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian, and a good subject, a great friend to humane society, and a grand promoter of all virtues, both Christian and moral. / | 1 |
BX5132 .E57 | The grounds of unity in religion, or, An expedient for a general conformity and pacification | 2 |
BX5132 .H35 1660 | [Some necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England. Or a modest and brief reply to Dr Pearson's modest and learned, No necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England.] [Directed to Dr Pearson himself. By William Hamilton gent.] | 1 |
BX5132 .H47 | Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Hereford, in the first episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert by divine providence Lord Bishop of Hereford. | 2 |
His Majesties letter to the Lord Bishop of London to be communicated to the two provinces of Canterbury and York. The trumpet of vvarre A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seuenth of Maie 1598. By M. Steph. Gosson parson of great Wigborow in Essex. A funerall oratyon made the xiiij. day of Ianuary / A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the ix. of Februarie. Anno Dom. 1583 The sermon of Ioh[a]n the bysshop of Rochester made agayn the p[er]nicious doctryn of Martin luther w[i]t[h]in the octaues of the asce[n]syon by the assigneme[n]t of the most reuerend fader i[n] god the lord Thomas Cardinal of Yorke [and] legate ex latere from our holy father the pope. Here after ensueth two fruytfull sermons, made [and] compyled by the ryght Reuerende father in god Ioh̄n Fyssher, Doctour of Dyuynyte and Bysshop of Rochester A sermon had at Paulis by the co[m]mandment of the most reuerend father in god my lorde legate, and sayd by Ioh[a]n the bysshop of Rochester, vpo[n] qui[n]quagesom sonday, concernynge certayne heretickes, whiche tha[n] were abiured for holdynge the heresies of Martyn Luther that famous hereticke, and for ye kepyng and reteynyng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of pope Leo the tenthe. This sermon folowynge was compyled [and] sayd in the cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within ye cyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Ioh̄n bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye, the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margarete moder vnto the sayd noble prynce and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby A sermon preached at the Court at Greenewich the XXIIII. of May, 1591. By Geruase Babington Doctor of Diuinitie The power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion vindicated the extent of his power determined in a sermon preached before the first Parliament on a monthly fast day / |
10 |
BX5132 .L45 | Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the diocese of Lincoln at the triennial visitation of the right reverend father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of that diocese. | 2 |
BX5132 .L46 1682 | Lent-preachers appointed to preach before His Majesty for the year, 1682/3 | 1 |
BX5132 L48 1694 | A letter from a gentleman in Buckinghamshire near Water-Stratford. To his brother Mr. Thomas Pickfat at the Three Kings in White-cross-street, in London. Giving an account of the doctrine and ... the behaviour of Mr. Mason ... with the hymns they usually sing. | 1 |
BX5132 .M37 | Lex Pacifica, or, Gods own law of determining controversies explain'd and asserted in a sermon preached at Dorchester at the Assizes holden there for the county of Dorset, August 5, 1664 / | 2 |
BX5132 .M37 1657 | The power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion vindicated the extent of his power determined in a sermon preached before the first Parliament on a monthly fast day / | 2 |
BX5132 .N56 |
Old popery as good or rather than new, or, The unreasonableness of the Church of England in some of her doctrines and practices and the reasonableness of liberty of conscience : in a letter from a private gentleman in the country to his friend a clergy-man in the city. Old popery as good as new, or, The unreasonableness of the Church of England in some of her doctrines and practices and the reasonableness of liberty of conscience : in a letter from a private gentleman in the country to his friend a clergy-man in the city. |
3 |
BX5132 .O22 | An Occasional letter containing some thoughts about a national reformation and recommended to the consideration of the parochial clergy and others. | 2 |