Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133.B87 F67 1536 For God, and the King. The summe of two sermons preached on the fifth of November last in St. Matthewes Friday-streete. 1636. / 1
BX5133.B87 W67 2006 The works of Bishop Butler / 1
BX5133 .C35 A sermon preach'd upon the first Sunday after the proclamation of the high and mighty prince, James the II by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland &c. / 2
BX5133 .C37 The magistrates support and burden in a sermon preached at the late election of the lord major for the famous city of London, Sept. 28, 1650 / 2
BX5133 .C37 1627 Achitophel, or, The picture of a wicked politician devided into three parts : a treatise presented heretofore in three sermons to the Vniversitie of Oxford and now published / 1
BX5133 .C487 1878 Human life and its conditions : sermons preached before the University of Oxford in 1876-1878 with three ordinatin sermons / 1
BX5133 .C52 An excellent and godly sermon, most needefull for this time, wherein we liue in all securitie and sinne, to the great dishonour of God, and contempt of his holy word. /
Sommons to doomes daie sent vnto his beloued England, as a memoriall of his deepe printed loue and loyaltie. /
BX5133 .C52 1693 A sermon preached to a country auditory upon the eleventh of November being the day appointed for a solemn Thanksgiving for a late victory at sea, and His Majesty's safe return out of Flanders / 2
BX5133 .C53 1545 [Two notable sermones lately preached at Pauls Crosse Anno 1544] 1
BX5133.C53 V52 Via lactea, or, The saints onely way to true blessedness opened in a sermon from Matth. 5, 8 : also the danger of neglecting gospel-salvation, from Heb. 2, 3 / 1
BX5133 .C54 A sermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Peter in Exon. April 4, 1697. Being Easter-day, and assize Sunday. / 1
BX5133 .C58 1586 Two fruitfull and godly sermons, preached at Dorchester in Dorsetshyre, the one touching the building of Gods temple, the other what the temple is. 1
BX5133.C6 1691 Eight sermons preached on several occasions 1
BX5133 .C62 A second defense of the present government under K. William and Q. Mary 2
BX5133 .C64 A cordial for a fainting soule, or, Some essaies for the satisfaction of doubting wounded Christians labouring under severall burdens especially such as arise in Christians spirits from a mistake of the grounds of faith ... : in which severall doubts, most ordinary to Christians in the beginning of their conversion releved ... : being the sum of fourteen sermons ... : with three several tables annexed /
A perswasive to consideration, tender'd to the Royalists particularly those of the Church of England : with a vindication of the same.
A perswasive to consideration, tender'd to the Royalists particularly those of the Church of England.
A godly and frutefull sermon, made at Maydestone in the county of Kent the fyrst sonday in Lent, in the presence of the most reuerend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury. &c. /
The sermon of Doctor Colete made to the conuocacion at Paulis
A Collection of Farewel-Sermons
BX5133 .C64 1564 A godly and learned sermon, made this laste Lent at Windesor before the Queenes Maiestie, on vvednesday [sic] the first of Marche, 1564 / 1
BX5133.C65 S47 A sermon preached before the maior of the city of Norwich in the cathedral-church of the said city, on Sunday January 31, 1674/5 2
BX5133.C652 S47 A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Durham on the second of December being the day of thanksgiving for the peace / 2
BX5133 .C66 Sermons preach'd on several occasions
A sermon preached at Islington upon the 26th day of July, 1685, in the afternoon being the day of solemn thanksgiving to almighty God for His Majestie's late victories over the rebels /
Sermons preach'd on several occasions.
BX5133 .C66 1699 Sermons preach'd on several occasions. 2