Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133 .H68 Basilidi dōron. or, The royal present as it was delivered in a sermon, in the parish-church of Boston, Octob. 9, 1663, at the arch-diaconal visitation of the reverend and right worshipfull Raphael Throckmorton, D.D. and arch-deacon of Lincoln / 1
BX5133.H68 S54 2001 Signs of hope / 1
BX5133.H68S55 2001 Signs of Hope. 1
BX5133.H8 S47 A sermon preached at Beccles in Suffolk before the Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Norwich at the second session of His Lordship's primary visitation held there, May 27, 1692 / 2
BX5133 .H85 A sermon preach'd before the House of Lords, at the abbey-church of St. Peter's Westminster, on Thursday, the 30th of January, 1695/6 being the martyrdom of K. Charles I / 1
BX5133 (INTERNET) Two sermons tending to direction for Christian cariage [sic] both in afflictions incumbent, and in judgements imminent : the former on Psalm 13.1, the latter on Hebr. 11.7 /
Six sermons with a discourse annexed, concerning the true reason of the suffering of Christ, wherein Crellius his answer to Grotius is considered /
The saints solemne covenant vvith their God as it was opened in a sermon preached at Beccles in the countie of Suffolk, at the taking of the Nationall Covenant there, by the ministers and other officers of that division /
The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ with a preface to the nobles, gentlemen, and all the rich, directing them how they may be richer /
The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her considered in some contemplations vpon part of the 12. chapter of the Hebrewes : together with certain other meditations and discourses vpon other portions of Holy Scriptures, the titles wherof immediately precede the booke : being the summe of diuerse sermons preached in S. Gregories London /
Twenty five sermons.
The deuills banket described in foure sermons [brace], 1. The banket propounded, begunne, 2. The second seruice, 3. The breaking vp of the feast, 4. The shot or reckoning, [and] The sinners passing-bell, together with Phisicke from heauen /
A sermon preached before the King at White-hall, October the 12th 1662
A sermon preached in the collegiate church of St. Peter in Westminster, on Wednesday May 29th, 1661 being the anniversary of His Majesties most joyful restitution to the crown of England /
Sermons preached upon several occasions
The righteous ruler a sermon preached at St Maries in Cambridge, June 28, 1660 /
A seasonable caveat against the dangers of credulity in our trusting the spirits before we try them delivered in a sermon before the King at White-Hall on the first Sunday in February, 1678/9 /
A sermon preached before the King upon the twenty eighth of March, 1669
Sermons preach'd upon several occasions some of which were never before printed /
Of the love of God and our neighbour, in several sermons : the third volume
A sermon preached at the opening of the Parliament of Ireland, May 8. 1661 before the right honourable the Lords justices, and the Lords spiritual and temporal and the commons /
A sermon preached before His Majesty at White-Hall, 29 Decemb. 1678
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guild-Hall Chappel, February 4, 1682
A sermon exhorting to union in religion preach'd at Bow-Church, May 20th, and published at the desire of the auditory /
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London at Guild-Hall Chapell, February the 17th, 1677/8 /
Fifty sermons.
Thirteen sermons preached on several occasions three of which never before printed /
Honour the king a sermon preached on the solemn fast, January 30, 1672/3 : wherein the duty of subjects to their sovereign is opened and asserted, the principles and practices inconsistent therewith are directed and condemned, and the innocent vindicated from unjust censures : at Birmingham in Warwick shire at the publick meeting-place there licensed according to His Majesties gracious declaration /
Several discourses tending to promote peace & holiness among Christians to which are added, three other distinct sermons.
Remaines of that reverend and famous postiller, Iohn Boys, Doctor in Divinitie, and late Deane of Canterburie containing sundry sermons, partly, on some proper lessons vsed in our English liturgie : and partly, on other select portions of holy Scripture.
A sermon preached at White-hall, on the 26th of Novemb. 1691 being the thanksgiving-day for the preservation of the King, and the reduction of Ireland /
A sermon preached at a publick ordination at St. Peter's Cornhill, March 15th 1684/5
To the right honorable the lords of His Maiesties most honorable Privey Counsell
Reliquiæ Raleighanæ being discourses and sermons on several subjects /
A sermon preach'd to the natives of the county of Warwick and city of Coventry in the church of St. Mary le Bow, London, November 14th, 1695
The divine lanthorne, or, A sermon preached in S. Pauls Church appointed for the crosse the 17. of July M.DC.XXXCI
A defence of the Thirty nine articles of the Church of England
Three speeches of Sir Edward Dearings, Knight and Baronet, in the Commons House of Parliament
A sermon preach'd on the coronation day of K. Charles I March 27, 1644, in S. Mary's in Cambridge /
Prayer and praise, a two-fold tribute to be payed by all loyal subjects to their supream and subordinate soveraign a subject entred upon April 23, 1661, being the day of the solemn inauguration of King Charles the II and finished the Lord's Day following /
The autumne part from the twelfth Sundy [sic] after Trinitie, to the last in the whole yeere
The speeches of Sr. Edward Deering in the Commons House of Parliament 1641
A sermon preached before the right honourable the House of Lords in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th of August, 1645 being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation : whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr. Colemans late printed sermon upon Job 11.20, in which he hath endeavoured to strike at the root of all church-government /
Sermons and discourses upon several occasions
A sermon preached before the King at Whitehall, on the second of December, 1697 being the day of thanksgiving for the peace /
A sermon preach'd before His Majesty at White-Hall, May 29th, 1668
A sermon preached before the Kings Most Excellent Majesty at Oxford
A sermon preached the 30th of January at White-Hall, 1664 being the anniversary commemoration of K. Charls the I, martyr'd on that day /
A sermon preach'd on the second of September being the fast for the fire of London, at the cathedral church of St. Paul's, before the right honourable the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London /
A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, March 6, 1673/4
A sermon preach'd before the House of Lords at the Abbey-Church of St. Peter's-Westminster, on Saturday the 30th of January, 1696/7 being the anniversary of the death of King Charles I of Glorious Memory /
A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-hall, February the XIIth, 1691/2
Ten sermons preached on several occasions
A sermon concerning sins of omission preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, on March 18th, 1693/4, being Midlent-Sunday /
Twelve sermons preached on several occasions.
The mysticall match between Christ and his church
Diatribae discovrses on on divers texts of Scriptvre /
Reformation of manners the true way of honouring God with the necessity of putting the laws in execution against vice and profaneness : in a sermon preached at White-hall /
Eighteen sermons whereof fifteen preached the King, the rest upon publick occasions /
Hezekiah's return of praise for his recovery
The churches peace asserted upon a civil account as it was (great part of it) deliver'd in a sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor in Guild-Hall-Chappel July 4 /
Justice triumphing, or, The spoylers spoyled laid forth in a gratulatory sermon for the miraculous discovery of, and our glorious delivery from the barbarous powder-plot /
XXXVI sermons viz. XVI ad aulam, VI ad clerum, VI ad magistratum, VIII ad populum : with a large preface /
A sermon preached before Her Majesty, on May 29, being the anniversary of the restauration of the King and royal family
A sermon preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, March the twelfth, 1689/90, being the fast-day
A sermon touching the use of humane learning preached in Mercers-Chappel at the funeral of that learned gentleman, Mr. John Langley, late school-master of Pauls School in London, on the 21 day of September, 1657 /
Fourteen sermons heretofore preached IIII. Ad clervm, III. Ad magistratvm, VII. Ad popvlvm /
Sermons preached on several occasions to which a discourse is annexed concerning the true reason of the sufferings of Christ : wherein Crellius his answer to Grotius is considered /
BX5133 .J3 The obligation which lyes upon ministers to preach the gospel to other places and parishes besides their own and in other places besides the temple, though others should be against it /
God's judgments upon regicides a sermon preached in the Fleet-prison on the 30th day of January 1682/3, proving that the bloud of that pious monarch and glorious martyr, King Charles the First, is not yet expiated /
BX5133.J33 (INTERNET) The celestiall husbandrie, or, The tillage of the soule First, handled in a sermon at Pauls Crosse the 25. of February, 1616. / 1
BX5133 .J35 A sermon preached before the King at Newmarket, October 11, 1674 2
BX5133.J4 H64 Holy zeal against sin, shewn to be an acceptable and seasonable duty : in a sermon preached at Lyme Regis, in the County of Dorset, Sept. 4th. 1700. At a quarterly lecture appointed for the promoting the Reformation of Manners. / 1
BX5133.J4 R43 Refutatio cujusdam scripti hoc insigniti lemmate Roberti Grovii responsio ad nuperum libellum qui inscribitur celeusma seu clamor 2
BX5133.J4 S4 1698 A sermon preached in S. Andrew's Church, Dublin, on the 5th of November, 1698. Being the anniversary thanksgiving for the deliverance from the Gun-Powder-Treason plot, in England, in the year 1605. Before the honourable the House of Commons. / 1
BX5133 .J45 A sermon preached at the assizes held in Warwick, March the nineteenth 1682/3 2
BX5133 .J46 Cain's mark and murder K. Charles the I his martyrdom : delivered in a sermon on January the thirtieth / 1
BX5133 .J48 1583 Certaine sermons preached before the Queenes Maiestie, and at Paules crosse 1
BX5133.J49 S47 1586 A sermon made in Latine in Oxenforde, in the raigne of King Edwarde the sixt, 1
BX5133.J6 D4 1659 Deus nobiscum. Or, A sermon preached upon a great deliverance at sea. With a narrative annexed. / 1
BX5133.J6 (INTERNET) A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guildhall-Chappel, on Palm-Sunday, 1679 and now published as it was then delivered / 1
BX5133.K432 S4 1700a A sermon preach'd at Turners-Hall, the 5th. of May, 1700 1
BX5133 .K46 A sermon preached in the cathedral-church of Worcester at the Lent assize, April 7th, 1688 2