Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133 .P47 A sermon preached July, 5th on the occasion of the late rebellion
A sermon preached before Their Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary's forces, at Gant in Flanders the Sunday before they marched into the camp, 1694 /
Sermons preach'd at several courts to King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory, and to our Most Gracious Sovereigne King Charles the Second, then Prince in the years of our Lord 1640, 1641, --42, --43, --44 & --45 : together with some devotions and a treatise of duels /
BX5133 .P47 1659 Sermons and devotions old and new revived and publisht as an oblation of gratitude to all such of the nobility, gentry and clergy as retain the noble conscience of having ministred to the weak condition of the author, now aged 73 : the sermons at Court were before the war brake forth betwixt King and Parliament : also a discourse of duels, being a collection and translation of other mens opinions, with some addition of his own : and this in special dedicated for their use ... /
Sermons and devotions old and new revived and publisht as an oblation of gratitude to all such of the nobility, gentry and clergy as retain the noble conscience of having ministred to the weak condition of the author, now aged 73 : the sermons at Court were before the war brake forth betwixt King and Parliament : also a discourse of duels, being a collection and translation of other mens opinions, with some addition of his own : and this in special dedicated for their use ... /
BX5133 .P5 Prossō kai opissō a sermon eqvally pointing forvvard & backward, as it was deliver'd in the Vniversity Church of Saint Maries in Cambridge / 2
BX5133 .P52 The pathway to perfection. a sermon preached at Saint Maryes Spittle in London on Wednesday in Easter weeke. 1593. / 1
BX5133 .P53 A decad of caveats to the people of England of general use in all times, but most seasonable in these, as having a tendency to the satisfying such as are not content with the present government as it is by law establish'd, an aptitude to the setling the minds of such as are but seekers and erraticks in religion, an aim at the uniting of our Protestant-dissenters in church and state : whereby the worst of all conspiracies lately rais'd against both, may be the greatest blessing, which could have happen'd to either of them : to which is added an appendix in order to the conviction of those three enemies to the deity, the atheist, the infidel and the setter up of science to the prejudice of religion /
A seasonable caveat against the dangers of credulity in our trusting the spirits before we try them delivered in a sermon before the King at White-Hall on the first Sunday in February, 1678/9 /
A decad of caveats to the people of England of general use in all times, but most seasonable in these, as having a tendency to the satisfying such as are not content with the present government as it is by law establish'd, an aptitude to the setling the minds of such as are but seekers and erraticks in religion an aim at the uniting of our Protestant-dissenters in church and state : whereby the worst of all conspiracies lately rais'd against both, may be the greatest blessing, which could have happen'd to either of them : to which is added an appendix in order to the conviction of those three enemies to the deity, the atheist, the infidel and the setter up of science to the prejudice of religion /
BX5133 .P54 The holy choice, or, Faith's triumph over all worldly pomp & glory a sermon preached in St. Maries in Scilly, Oct. 14, 1677 / 2
BX5133 .P66 1698 A reverse to Mr. Oliver's sermon of spiritual worship a sermon on the same subject preached before the Lord Mayor, at St. Paul's Church, August 26th. 1660 / 2
BX5133.P68 S A sermon preached upon Psalm 22, the former part of the first verse wherein is shewed, how, when and wherefore God doth desert his children, unto which is also annexed, certaine symptomes of a deserted condition, with directions unto those who have lost God's favour, how to get it : and directions likewise unto those who have gotten God's favour, how to keep it / 1
BX5133.P7 (INTERNET) Four sermons preached in Oxford 1
BX5133.P7 P74 Four sermons preached in Oxford 2
BX5133 .P73 Truth will out a sermon preached on the 20th of June, 1683, upon the discovery of the new plot / 2
BX5133 .P73 1629 The new covenant, or, The saints portion a treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, mans vprightnes, and the covenant of grace : delivered in fourteene sermons vpon Gen. 17.1.2 : wherevnto are adioyned foure sermons vpon Eccles. / 1
BX5133 .P73 1634 The saints qualification, or, A treatise I. of humiliation, in tenne sermons, II. of sanctification, in nine sermons whereunto is added A treatise of communion with Christ in the sacrament, in three sermons / 1
BX5133 .P73 1637 The saints qualification, or, A treatise I. Of humiliation, in tenne sermons, II. Of sanctification, in nine sermons : whereunto is added a treatise of communion with Christ in the sacrament, in three sermons / 1
BX5133.P73 S47 Sermons preached before his Maiestie, and vpon other speciall occasions viz. 1 The pillar and ground of truth ... 2 The new life ... 3 A sensible demonstration of the Deitie ... 4 Exact walking ... 5 Samuels support of sorrowfull sinners ... By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Diuinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, master of Emanuel College in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne. 2
BX5133 .P84 A sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the gentlemen educated at St. Paul's School, at St. Paul's Church, January 25, 1698/9 2
BX5133 .R34 Reliquiæ Raleighanæ being discourses and sermons on several subjects / 2
BX5133 .R34 1586 A sermon vpon part of the eighteenth Psalm: preached to the publik assembly of scholers in the Vniuersitie of Oxford the last day of August, 1586. / 1
BX5133.R42 S5 The shields of the earth. A sermon preached before the reverend judges, Sir Richard Hutton, and Sir George Crook; at the assizes holden at Northampton, February 25. 1634. / 1
BX5133.R42 S5 1636 The shieldes of the earth. A sermon preached before the reverend judges, Sir Richard Hutten, and Sir George Crooke, at the assizes holden at North-hampton, February 25. 1634. / 1