Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133.S68 A33 1879 Addresses and sermons delivered during a visit to the United States and Canada in 1878 / 1
BX5133.S68 S47 1665 A sermon preached before the court at Christ-Church Chappel in Oxford 1
BX5133 .S69 A sermon preached before their excellencies the Lords Justices, at Christ-Church, Dublin, the 29th of May, 1698 2
BX5133 .S7 1699 The absolute truth, and utmost certainty of the word of God and that all things which are contained in the scriptures, yea to every tittle and iota thereof, will be fulfiled : demonstrated in a discourse on Rom IX. 6 / 1
BX5133 .S72 A sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of St. Peter in York, on the 6th of February 1685/6 being the day on which His Majesty began his happy reign /
A sermon concerning God's deferring to answer mens prayers preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, November the 11th, 1694 /
A sermon concerning God's deferring to answer mens prayers: preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, November the 11th, 1694. /
BX5133.S72 S47 A sermon preached unto the inhabitants of the town of Thornbury, in Glocestershire [sic] on March 20, 1697/8
A sermon on I Chron. 29, 18 and now published, because of the exceeding usefulness of this subject, unto all Christians of every perswasion or denomination whatsoever ... : wherein also is shewed what it is to teach for hire, and divine for money, and that objection is answered, which some do frame ... against that maintenance ... which true gospel ministers ought to have in these dayes under that dispensation /
BX5133 .S74 The mischief of separation a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11. MDCLXXX. being the first Sunday in Easter-term, before the Lord Mayor, &c. /
Kalōs proestōtes, or, A view of church-government wherein the proper church-governors are demonstrated, their office, duty, work and employment ... is declared ... : in a sermon preached at West-Malling ... Septemb. 16, 1662 /
Ten sermons preached on several occasions
BX5133.S74 M57 1680 The mischief of separation a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11, MDCLXXX, being the first Sunday in Easter-term, before the Lord Mayor &c. /
The mischief of separation. A sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11, MDCLXXX. being the first Sunday in Easter-term, before the Lord Mayor &c. /
BX5133.S74 M57 1687 The mischief of separation a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chapel, before the Lord Mayor, &c. / 2
BX5133 .S77 A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and livery-men of the city of London, in the parish-church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, on the feast of St. Michael 1693 at the election of the Lord Mayor for the year ensuing /
A sermon preached at the assizes held at Chester, September XX. 1681
BX5133 .S77 1692 Sermons and discourses upon several occasions 2
BX5133 .S78 A sermon preached at Hartford assises, March 14. 1616. 1
BX5133 .S82 A sermon preached at the temple, the Svnday after the church was opened being then newly repaird, adorned and beautified at the joynt expense of the two honorable societies / 2
BX5133 .S82 1670 A sermon preached at the Assizes held at Dorchester in the county of Dorset upon the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord 1669 1
BX5133 .S84 1662 The pastors farevvell, and vvish of vvelfare to his people, or, A valedictory sermon 2
BX5133.S84 A36 Ad magistratum three sermons preached before the justices of assize, at Bury-St.-Edmunds in the countie of Suffolk : with sacred hymns upon the Gospels for the hyemal quarter / 2
BX5133.S84 (INTERNET) Ad magistratum three sermons preached before the justices of assize, at Bury-St.-Edmunds in the countie of Suffolk : with sacred hymns upon the Gospels for the hyemal quarter / 1
BX5133.S84 S47 1700 A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, January 30, 1699/1700 being an anniversary sermon for the day / 3
BX5133 .S86 The heauenly conversation, and the naturall mans condition in two treatises /
Concerning the remissness of the magistrate a sermon preached in the parish-church of Bovey-Tracy, last Easter day in the afternoon /
BX5133 .S87 A sermon preached at Abington in the county of Berks. Febr. 19, 1642 2