Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133.S63 (INTERNET) The sinners conuersion
Iacobs ladder, or, The high way to heauen Being the last sermon that Master Henry Smith made. And now published, not (as many forged things haue beene in his name) to deceiue the Christian reader, but to instruct and prepare him with oyle in his lampe, ioyfully to meete the Lord Iesus in his second comming.
The first sermon of Noahs drunkennes A glasse wherein all drunkards may behold their beastliness. Noah also began to be an husbandman and planted a vineyard, and he dranke of the wine and was drunken, and was vncouered in the middest of his tent. Gen. 9.20. /
The affinitie of the faithfull being a verie godlie and fruitfull sermon, made vpon part of the eight chapter of the Gospel of Saint Luke. /
A fruitfull sermon vpon part of the 5. chapter of the first epistle of Saint Paule to the Thessalonians. /
[The examination of vsury in two sermons.]
The benefit of contentation Taken by characterie and examined after.
The preachers proclamacion Discoursing the vanity of all earthly things, and proouing that there is no contentation to a Christian minde, but onely in the feare of God. /
Foure sermons preached by Master Henry Smith And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore.
The vvedding garment
The lavviers question The answere to the lawiers question. The censure of Christ vpon the answere. /
The sermons of Maister Henrie Smith gathered into one volume. Printed according to his corrected copies in his life time.
Satans compassing the earth
[The magistrates scripture.]
Ionah the messenger of Ninevehs repentance Set forth in his calling, rebellion, and punishment. /
BX5133 .S64 1593 Sixe sermons preached by Maister Henry Smith at Clement Danes Church without Temple Barre: 1
BX5133 .S64 1696 A sermon of the credibility of the mysteries of the Christian religion preached before the University of Oxford on St. Mark's Day, 1674 : to which is added a discourse on I St. John v. 7. containing a vindication of that text from the cavils and exceptions of the Socinians / 2
BX5133.S64 (INTERNET) A treatise of the Lords supper in two sermons.
The poore mans teares opened in a sermon /
BX5133.S64 P66 1592 The poore mans teares opened in a sermon / 1
BX5133.S64 S47 1594 The sermons of Maister Henrie Smith gathered into one volume / 1
BX5133.S64 S47 1604 The sermons of Master Henry Smith gathered into one volume / 1
BX5133.S64 S48 1591 [S]euen godly [a]nd learned [s]ermons vpon seuen diuers textes of scripture containing necessary and profitable doctrine, as well for the reformation of our liues, as for the comfort of troubled consciences in all distresses / 1
BX5133.S65 (INTERNET) The sinfull mans search:, or, Seeking of God
The black-smith A sermon preached at White-Hall before the Kings most excellent Majestie, the young prince, the councell, &c. On Loe-Sunday. 1606. and by commandment put to print. /
BX5133.S66 L48 1688 A letter from the Bishop of Rochester, to the right honourable the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Lord-Chamberlain of His Majesties houshold concerning his sitting in the late ecclesiastical commission. 2
BX5133.S66 S47 1697 Sermons preached on several occasions 2
BX5133 .S67 A further testimony to the glory that is near being the summe of what was delivered in publique on several texts /
Solace for saints in the saddest times from the consideration of the happy temperature and lovely composure of all times and providences as to Gods glory and their good : held forth in a brief discourse on the first words of the Canticles /
A testimony to an approaching glory being an account of certain discourses lately delivered in Pancras, Soperlane, London /
The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith, sometimes minister of St. Clement Danes, London. Together with other learned treatises. : All now gathered into one volume.
BX5133 .S67 1675 The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith, sometimes minister of St. Clement Danes, London together with other his learned treatises : all now gathered into one volume : also the life of the reverend and learned authour, by Tho. Fuller.
The sermons of Mr. Henry Smith, sometimes minister of St. Clement Danes, London together with other his learned treatises : all now gathered into one volume : also the life of the reverend and learned authour, by Tho. Fuller ..
BX5133.S67 H36 1651 A hand-kercheffe for a disconsolate soule, to wipe away his sinne, and to keep him from despaire, as though they had never been committed / 1
BX5133.S67 S48 A sermon preach'd to the natives of the county of Dorset, residing in and about the cities of London and Westminster, at St. Mary Le Bowe, on Dec. 8, 1692, being the day of their anniversary feast 1
BX5133.S68 A33 1879 Addresses and sermons delivered during a visit to the United States and Canada in 1878 / 1
BX5133.S68 S47 1665 A sermon preached before the court at Christ-Church Chappel in Oxford 1
BX5133 .S69 A sermon preached before their excellencies the Lords Justices, at Christ-Church, Dublin, the 29th of May, 1698 2
BX5133 .S7 1699 The absolute truth, and utmost certainty of the word of God and that all things which are contained in the scriptures, yea to every tittle and iota thereof, will be fulfiled : demonstrated in a discourse on Rom IX. 6 / 1
BX5133 .S72 A sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of St. Peter in York, on the 6th of February 1685/6 being the day on which His Majesty began his happy reign /
A sermon concerning God's deferring to answer mens prayers preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, November the 11th, 1694 /
A sermon concerning God's deferring to answer mens prayers: preached before the King and Queen at White-Hall, November the 11th, 1694. /