Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133.W5484 M4 1945 The merchant royall : being a sermon preached in 1607 in praise of the wife, wherein she is likened to a merchant ship / 1
BX5133.W5485T7 2002 True Wilderness (Gen) 1
BX5133 .W55 1663 The chariot of truth vvherein are contained, I. A declaration against sacriledge: shewing, [brace] 1. The heynousness of this sin. 2. How fearlesly it is generally committed. 3. How severely, and indispensably God punisheth the same. II. The grand rebellion; or a looking-glass for rebels: whereby they may see, how by ten several degrees, they may ascend to the height of their design, throughly rebel, and so utterly destroy themselves thereby. III. The discovery of mysteries, or the plots of the Long-Parliament, to over throw both church and state. IV. The rights of kings [brace] 1. Granted by God. 2. Violated by the rebels. 3. Vindicated by the truth. And the wickednesses of the Long pretended Parliament; [brace] 1. Manifested by their actions [brace] 1. Perjury, 2. Rebellion, 3. Oppression, [double brace] 4. Robbery, 5. Murder, 6. Sacriledge, [brace] and the like. 2. Proved by their ordinances. [brace] 1. Against law. Against equity. 3. Against conscience. V. The great vanity of every man. ... / 1
BX5133.W55 (INTERNET) A form of thanksgiving, to be used the seventh of September throvvout the diocese of Lincoln, and in the jurisdiction of VVestminster 1
BX5133 .W56 A sermon preached at East Dearham in Norf. Jan. 30, 1661 being the day of the most horrid murther of that most pious and incomparable prince, King Charles the First of England &c. /
A sermon preached at East Dearham in Norf. May 29, 1661 being the day of the coronation of our Most Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second &c. /
BX5133.W56 S47 1561 A sermon no lesse fruteful, then famous, made in the yeare of oure Lorde God, MCCClxxxviii. In these our later dayes moost necessary to be knowen. Neyther addynge to nor dymynyshyng from satre the olde & rude Englyshe therof mended here and there. 1
BX5133 .W62 1654 Eremicus theologus, or, A sequestred divine his aphorisms, or, breviats of speculations, in two centuries / 2
BX5133 .W66 The decency and order of church and state as now established asserted in a late visitation sermon.
Sodom's vices destructive to other cities and states a sermon preached before the right honourable the lord mayor of the city of London, at the chappel of Guild-Hall, on Sunday August 1, 1697 /
BX5133.W66 D57 1698 Ditescendi regula, or, The way to riches in a sermon preached upon Matth. VI. XXXIII 1
BX5133 .W76 The beauty of unity in a sermon preached at Preston in Lancashire at the opening of the Guide-merchant held there, September 4, 1682 / 2
BX5133 .W98 A sermon preach'd in the Collegiate-Church of Ripon, on Sunday the 22d of September, 1695 being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving for the reduction of the town and castle of Namur ... / 2
BX5133.Y62 V5 1984 A vindication of Providence, or, A true estimate of human life (Second edition, 1728) / 1
BX5133 .Y68 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen at Guild-Hall Chappel, February 4, 1682
A sermon preached before His Majesty at White-Hall, 29 Decemb. 1678
BX5133 .Y68 1678 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London at Guild-Hall Chapell, February the 17th, 1677/8 / 2
BX5133 .Y94 1688 A sermon exhorting to union in religion preach'd at Bow-Church, May 20th, and published at the desire of the auditory / 2
BX5133 .Z94 Irenicum irenicorum, seu, Reconciliatorus Christianorum hodiernorum norma triplex sana̓omnium homnium ratio, scriptura sacra & traditiones.
Irenicum irenicorum, seu, Reconciliatorus Christianorum hodiernorum norma triplex sanaʼomnium homnium ratio, scriptura sacra & traditiones ..
BX5133.26 L49 Lex ignea, or, The school of righteousness a sermon preach'd before the King, Octob. 10. 1666 at the solemn fast appointed for the late fire in London by William Sancroft .. 1
BX5134 .C64 A perswasive to consideration, tender'd to the Royalists particularly those of the Church of England. 2
BX5134 (INTERNET) A perswasive to consideration, tender'd to the Royalists particularly those of the Church of England. 1
BX5135 The state of the Church of Englande, laide open in a conference betweene Diotrephes a byshopp, Tertullus a papiste, Demetrius an vsurer, Pandochus an inne-keeper, and Paule a preacher of the worde of God. 1