Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5133.R42 S5 The shields of the earth. A sermon preached before the reverend judges, Sir Richard Hutton, and Sir George Crook; at the assizes holden at Northampton, February 25. 1634. / 1
BX5133.R42 S5 1636 The shieldes of the earth. A sermon preached before the reverend judges, Sir Richard Hutten, and Sir George Crooke, at the assizes holden at North-hampton, February 25. 1634. / 1
BX5133 .R47 A sermon preach'd at the anniversay-meeting of the Charter-house scholars at the chappel in the Charter-house, on Monday, December 13th, 1680 /
A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen in Guild-hall Chappel, on Sunday the xxi of October, 1688
A sermon preach'd at the anniversary-meeting of the Charter-house scholars at the chappel in the Charter-house, on Monday, December 13th, 1680 /
BX5133 .R49 The comfort and crown of great actions in a sermon preached Decemb. 4, 1657, before the honorable East-India Company /
A sermon preached before the King upon the twenty eighth of March, 1669
Twenty five sermons preached upon several occasions
BX5133.R49 S56 1639 The sinfulnesse of sinne considered in the [brace] state, guilt, power, and pollution thereof 1
BX5133.R49 T4 1631 Three treatises of the vanity of the creature. The sinfulness of sinne. The life of Christ. : Being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns Inne: / 1
BX5133.R49 T47 1634 Three treatises of the vanity of the creature, the sinfulnesse of sinne, the life of Christ being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns Inne / 1
BX5133.R49 T48 1658 Three treatises of the vanity of the creature. The sinfulness of sin. The life of Christ. Being the substance of several sermons preached at Lincolns-inn. / 1
BX5133.R49 T78 1657 True gain, opened in a sermon preached at Pauls, Nov 9. 1656 1
BX5133 .R52 The benefit of affliction. A sermon, first preached, and afterwards enlarged, / 1
BX5133.R52 S47 A sermon preached at Chard, June 21, 1685 before the right honourable John Lord Churchhill, and His Majestie's forces / 2
BX5133 .R54 Confirmation revived, and, Doom's-day books opened in two sermons, the one preach'd at Coventry before the Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, upon his first performance of confirmation in that city, June 23, 1662 : the other preach'd at Warwick before the Right Honourable the judges of Assize for that circuit upon the 2d of July next following / 2
BX5133 .R59 1651 Three treatises of The vanity of the creature, The sinfulnesse of sinne, The life of Christ being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns-Inne / 2
BX5133.R6 S4 1906 Sermons on religion & life / 1
BX5133.R6 S5 1st. ser. 1859 Sermons 1
BX5133 .R62 A sermon preached at St. Thomas Church in Bristol, September 3, 1685 before the Right Honorable the Lord Arthur Somerset, and the Society of the Loyal Young Men and Apprentices of Bristol, at the time of their anniversary feast / 2
BX5133.R646 C6 A combat betwixt the spirite and the fleshe. A right fruitefull and godly sermon vpon the 6 and 7 verse of the 2 chap. to the Collossians: / 1
BX5133.R67 C45 1650 Christ the Saviour and governour of his church, or, Two sermons on Isaiah 9. 6, the former concerning the saving benefit of the incarnation of the Son of God, the latter concerning Christ his governing his people, by the scepter of his word / 1
BX5133 .R69 A sermon preach'd before the King and Queen at White-Hall, on the 28th of December, 1690 2
BX5133.R73 C58 The churches hazard deliuered in a sermon in the cathedrall church in Norvvich, vpon the fifth of Nouember. 1629. / 1