Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5137 .A78 1633 | Articles agreed upon by the arch-bishops & bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie. In the convocation holden at London, in the year 1562. For the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion. Re-printed by his Majesties commandment. | 1 |
BX5137 .A78 1683 | The articles of the Church of England briefly explained by the most reverend and learned bishops and clergy of this, and the latter age | 1 |
BX5137 .C47 1630 | Articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbishops and bishops of both prouinces, and the whole cleargie: In the conuocation holden at London in the yeare of our Lord God 1562. According to the computation of the Church of England, for the auoyding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true-religion. Put forth by the Queenes authoritie. | 1 |
BX5137 .C48 |
Articles agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion / Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of content touching true religion : reprinted by His Majesties commandment with his royal declaration prefixed thereunto. Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year MDLXII for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion. Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of content touching true religion : reprinted by his Majesties commandment with his royal declaration prefixed thereunto. Articles of religion Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the establishing of consent touching true religion. |
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BX5137 .C48 1605 | Articles vvhereupon it was agreed by the archbishops and bishops of both prouinces, and the whole cleargie, in the conuocation holden at London in the yeere of our Lord God 1562, according to the computation of the Church of England : for the auoiding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion / | 1 |
BX5137 .C48 1624 | Articles, whereupon it was agreed by the archbishops and bishops of both prouinces, and the whole cleargie: in the conuocation holden at London in the yeere of our Lord God 1562. According to the computation of the Church of England: for the auoyding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion. | 1 |
BX5137 .C48 1632 | Articles agreed upon by the arch-bishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie, in the convocation holden at London, in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion / | 1 |
BX5137 .C48 1642 | Articles agreed upon by the arch-bishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie in the convocation holden at London in the yeer 1562 : for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the establishing of consent touching true religion : reprinted by His Majesties commandment : with his royal declaration prefixed thereunto. | 2 |
BX5137.C48 A78 1553 | Articles agreed on by the bishoppes, and other learned menne in the Synode at London, in the yere of our Lorde Godde, M. D. LII. for the auoiding of controuersie in opinions, and the establishement of a godlie concorde, in certeine matiers of religion. | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1536 | Articles devised by the Kynges Highnes Maiestie to stablyshe christen [sic] quietnes and vnitie amonge vs, and to avoyde contentious opinio[n]s which articles be also approued by the consent and determination of the hole [sic] clergie of this realme. | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1561 | A declaration of certayne principall articles of religion set out by the order of both archebyshoppes metropolitans, and the rest of the byshoppes, for the vnitie of doctrine to be taught and holden of all parsons, uicars, and curates, aswell in the testification of theyr common consent in the sayde doctrine, to the stoppyng of the mouthes of them that goo about to slaunder the ministers of the church for diuersitie of iudgement : as necessary for the instruction of their people, to read by the sayde parsons, uicars, and curates, at theyr possession takyng or first entrye into theyr cures : and also after that yerely at two seuerall tymes, that is to say, the Sundayes next folowyng Easter day and Saint Michaell tharchaungell, or on some other Sunday within one moneth after those feastes, immediately after the Gospell. | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1563 |
Articles. wherevpon it was agreed by the archbysshops and bisshops of both the prouinces, and the whole clergye, in the conuocation holden at London in the yere of our Lord God M.D.lxii accordyng to the computation of the Churche of England, for thauoydyng of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablyshyng of consent touchyng true religion. / Articuli de quibus in synodo Londinensi anno Domini iuxta ecclesiæ Anglicanæ computationem M.D.LXII ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem & firmandum in uera religione consensum, inter archiepiscopos episcoposq[ue] utriusq[ue?] prouinciæ, nec non etiam uniuersum clerum conuenit. |
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BX5137 .C5 1564 | Articles, wherevpon it was agreed by the archbishoppes and bishops of both the prouinces and the whole cleargie, in the conuocation holden at London in the yere of our Lord God M.D.lxij according to the computation of the Church of Englande for the aduoydyng of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablyshyng of consent touchyng true religion / | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1575 |
Articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbishops & byshops of both the prouinces, and the whole cleargie, in the conuocation holden at London in the yeere of our Lorde God 1562 according to the computation of the Church of Englande for the auoydyng of the diuersities of opinions, and for the establyshyng of consent touching true religion / Articuli de quibus conuenit inter archiepiscopos & episcopos vtriusq[ue] prouinciæ & clerum vniuersum in synodo Londini an. Dom. 1562, secundum computationem ecclesiæ Anglicanæ ad tollendam opinionum dissentionem & consensum in vera religione firmandum. |
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BX5137 .C5 1579 | A declaration of certaine principall articles of religion set out by the order of both archbishops metropolitans, and the rest of the byshops, for the vnitie of doctrine to be taught and holden by all parsons, vicars, and curates aswell in testification of their common consent in the sayde doctrin, to the stopping of the mouthes of them that go about to slaunder the ministers of the church for diuersitie of iudgement, as necessarie for the instruction of their people, to be read by the syd parsons, vicars and curates, at their possession taking or first entrie into their cures, and also after that yeerely at two several times, that is to say, the Sundayes next following Easter day and Saint Michael tharchangell, or on some other Sunday within one moneth after those feastes, immediatly after the gospell. | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1581 | Articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbyshops and byshops of both prouinces and the whole cleargie, in the conuocation holden at London in the yeere of our Lord God 1562, according to the computation of the Church of England, for the auoyding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1586 | Articles devised by the Kynges Highnes Maiestie to stablyshe Christen quietnes and vnitie amonge vs, and to auoyde contentious opinio[n]s which articles be also approued by the consent and determination of the hole clergie of this realme. | 1 |
BX5137 .C5 1630 | Articles agreed upon by the arch-bishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie, in the convocation holden at London in the year, 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the establishing of consent touching true religion / | 1 |
BX5137 .C58 | Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces, and the whole clergie, in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion, reprinted by His Majesties commandment, with his royal declaration prefixed thereunto. | 1 |
BX5137 .E44 1694 | Articulorum XXXIX Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ defensio unaà cum novâ eorundem versione / | 2 |