Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5139 .H35 1655 A practical catechism 2
BX5139 .H35 1677 A practical catechism. 1
BX5139 .H63 The principles of Christian religion in XXX questions and answers whereunto is added a compendious history of the most memorable passages of Holy Scripture, by way of questions and answers, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Wotton in Oxfordshire / 1
BX5139 .I83 The catechism of the Church with proofs from the New Testament, and some additional questions and answers : divided into XII sections, for the use of a parish in London. 2
BX5139 (INTERNET) The compleat Christian, and compleat armour and armoury of a Christian, fitting him with all necessary furniture for that his holy profession, or, The doctrine of salvation delivered in a plain and familiar explication of the common catechisme, for the benefit of the younger sort, and others : wherein summarily comprehended is generally represented the truly orthodox and constant doctrine of the Church of England, especially in all points necessary to salvation /
Dr. John Owen's two short catechisms wherein the principles of the doctine of Christ are unfolded and explained : proper for all persons to learn before they be admitted to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and composed by him for the use of all congregations in general.
The Christians A.B.C., or, A Christian alphabet contayning grounds of knowledge vnto saluation first propounded in alphabeticall forme, each proposition being seconded with some solid reasons : secondly repeated by way of question and answer, with the proofe of euery particular point of doctrine, acquainting the reader with the most select texts of scripture, whereupon our Christian faith is grounded /
So shorte a catechisme that whosoeuer cannot, or wil not learne, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lords Supper /
The Bishop of Worcester his letter to the clergy of his diocess
Catechismus paruus pueris primùm Latinè qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis.
The lambs of Christ fed with sincere milk of the Word in a short Scripture-catechism /
The catechizing of families a teacher of housholders how to teach their housholds : useful also to school-masters and tutors of youth : for those that are past the common small chatechisms [sic], and would grow to a more rooted faith, and to the fuller understanding of all that is commonly needful to a safe, holy comfortable and profitable life /
A most familiar explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism wherein their larger answers are broken into lesser parcels, thereby to let in the light by degrees into the minds of the learners : to which is added in the close, a most brief help for the necessary but much neglected duty of self-examination to be daily perused : and to this is subjoined a letter of Christian counsel to a destitute flock /
A brief summe of Christian religion, or, Of things most necessary for a Christians knowledge, practice, and comfort
An exposition on the church-catechism, or, The practice of divine love composed for the Diocese of Bath & Wells.
A short catechisme, or, Playne instruction, conteynynge the su[m]me of Christian learninge sett fourth by the kings maiesties authoritie, for all scholemaisters to teache : To thys catechisme are adioyned the Articles agreed vpon by the bishoppes [and] other learned and godly men, in the last conuocatio[n] at London, in the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LII. for to roote out the discord of of [sic] opinions, and stablish the agreme[n]t of trew religion : Likewyse published by the Kinges maiesties authoritie. 1553.
The main principles of Christian religion in a 107 short articles or aphorisms, generally receiv'd as being prov'd from scripture : now futher cleared and confirm'd by the consonant doctrine recorded in the articles and homilies of the Church of England ... /
A catechism wherein the learner is at once taught to rehearse and prove all the main points of Christian religion by answering to every question in the very words of Holy Scripture : together with a short and plain discourse useful to confirm the weak and unlearned in his belief of the being of a God and the truth of Scripture /
An explicatory catechism, or, An explanation of the assemblies shorter catechism Wherein those principles are enlarged upon especially, which obviate the great and growing errors of Popery; useful for those families that desire to hold fast the form of sound words.
Hypotypōsis hygiainontōn logōn, a form of sound words, or, A scripture-catechism shewing what a Christian is to believe and practice in order to salvation : very useful for persons of all ages and capacities as well as children /
BX5139 .J4 Feed my lambs, or, A small systeme of divinity minced into a catechism and fitted for the instruction of children and young beginners in Christianity it may serve also for an exposition of the catechism in the liturgy of our church, the greatest part thereof, being as it falleth into the method, with some little variation, taken into it / 2
BX5139 .J66 A briefe and necessarie catechisme. With a short instruction for all that doe receiue the holy Communion. /
An exposition of the whole catechisme of the Church of England collected out of very many catechismes and learned expositors /
BX5139 .K33 Esponiad ar gatechism yr eglwys, neu, Ymarfer o gariad dwyfol, a gymmonwyd er llefhad Esgobaeth Baddon. Ac a gyfieithiwyd o'r saefonaeg (yn ôl ei gyntaf ofodiad allan) / 1
BX5139 .K46 An exposition on the church-catechism, or, The practice of divine love composed for the Diocese of Bath & Wells. 2
BX5139 .K46 1686 Directions for prayer, for the Diocess of Bath and Wells. To the poor inhabitants within the Diocess of Bath and Wells, Thomas their unworthy bishop wisheth the knowledge and the love of God. 1
BX5139 .K46 1696 An exposition on the church-catechism, or, The practice of divine love ... composed for the Diocese of Bath and Wells. 2
BX5139 .L56 1591 A short and plaine instruction, for the help and furtherance of such as are carefull to know the way to euerlasting life. VVhereto are added the places of scripture, which serue to prooue the points of doctrine herein contained: together with certaine profitable notes set downe in the margent, to make euery proofe more plaine concerning that point for the which it is alleadged / 1
BX5139 .L63 The merchants manuell being a step to stedfastnesse, tending to settle the soules of all sober minded Christian Catholiques, as they haue beene taught and learned the Lord Iesus the Sauiour in the holy Catholike Church / 1
BX5139 .L68 1674 Catechetical questions very necessary for the understanding of the principles of religion conformed to the doctrine of the Church of England / 2
BX5139 .L93 Principles of faith and good conscience 2
BX5139 .M37 A catechism being an enlargement of the church-catechism, the method altered and the doctrine proved by scripture : intended first for the sake of those that were not baptized in their infancy, or had no godfathers and godmothers, and since published for their and others benefit / 1
BX5139 .M39 1623 Mayers catechisme abridged, or, The A.B.C. inlarged with many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually : a dutie to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie. 1
BX5139 .M39 1639 Mayers catechisme abridged: or The A.B.C. inlarged, with many necessary questions fitted unto it for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authority. 1
BX5139 .M62 A new catechisme very usefull for persons of meanest capacity and shortest memory, and for them onely composed : and since fitted to the directions concerning suspension from the Lords Supper in case of ignorance, and published / 1
BX5139 .M84 Cato Christianus. In quem conijciuntur ea omnia, quæ in sacris literis ad parentum, puerorumq[ue] pietatem videntur maximè pertinere. 1