Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5139 .C76 1632 | The guide vnto true blessednesse, or, A body of the doctrine of the scriptures, directing man to the sauing knowledge of God | 1 |
BX5139.C76 1643 | A briefe direction to true happinesse. Abridged out of the larger treatise for the more convenient use of private families and instruction of the younger sort / | 1 |
BX5139 .D46 1612 | A pastime for parents, or, A recreation, to passe away the time containing the most principall grounds of Christian religion / | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1577 | A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be understoode, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lordes Supper. | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1580 |
A short catechisme for househoulders with prayers to the same adioyning. A short catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. |
2 |
BX5139 .D47 1582 | A short catechisme for househoulders with prayers to the same adioyning : heervnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euerie question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie poynt of the sayd catechisme / | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1583 |
A short catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. A short catechisme for housholders. With prayers to the same adioygning [sic]. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euerie question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euery point of the said catachisme. / |
2 |
BX5139 .D47 1595 | A short catechisme for housholders, with prayers to the same adioyning. | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1600 | Godly priuate prayers, for housholders to meditate vpon, and to say in their families. | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1603 | A short catechisme for houshoulders with prayers to the same adioyning. | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1614 | A briefe and necessarie catechisme or instruction very needfull to be knowne of all housholders, whereby they may teach and instruct their family in such poynts of Christian religion as is most meete : vvith prayers to the same adioyning. | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1630 | A short catechisme for housholders, with praiers to the same adioyning | 1 |
BX5139 .D47 1634 | A short catechis[me] for housholders with praiers to the same adioyning. | 1 |
BX5139 .D6 1680 | The first principles of the oracles of God explained in a brief exposition of the Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lords prayer and the sacraments. | 1 |
BX5139 .D68 | The catechisers holy encouragement to the profitable exercise of catechising in the Church of England | 1 |
BX5139 .D94 | A treasure of knowledge: springing from the fountaine of godlinesse, which is the word of God. A little catechisme, wherin is handled the doctrine of the knowledge of God in Iesus Christ. : Also a briefe and pithie exposition of the Ten Commandements of almightie God ... / | 1 |
BX5139 .E2 1682 |
A scriptural catechism, or, The duty of man laid down in express words of Scripture chiefly intended for the benefit of the younger sort : divided into two parts : The first containing the chief principles of our Christian belief, The second instructing us in our duty to God and man, according to the method observed in that excellent book entituled The whole duty of man : to which is added some private devotions in express words of Scripture, with devout collects for several occasions, and Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. A scriptural catechism, or, The duty of man laid down in express words of Scripture chiefly intended for the benefit of the younger sort : divided into two parts : The first containing the chief principles of our Christian belief, The second instructing us in our duty to God and man, according to the method observed in that excellent book entituled The whole duty of man : to which is added some private devotions in express words of Scripture, with devout collects for several occasions, and Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. |
2 |
BX5139 .E33 | A briefe methode of catechizing. Wherein are handled these foure points: 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedie God hath appointed for their deliuerance. 3. How they must liue that are deliuered. 4. What helpes they must vse to that end. The same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added; with graces before and after meate. | 1 |
BX5139 .E45 | The lambs of Christ fed with sincere milk of the Word in a short Scripture-catechism / | 1 |
BX5139 .E47 | [A forme of catechizing, set downe by questions and answers] | 1 |