Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX5139 .N68 1571 Catechismus, siue, Prima institutio disciplina'que pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata. 2
BX5139 .N68 1572 A catechisme, or institution of Christian religion to bee learned of all youth next after the little catechisme : appointed in the Booke of common prayer. 1
BX5139 .N68 1575 A catechisme, or, First instruction and learning of Christian religion 1
BX5139 .N68 1576 A cathechisme, or institution of Christian religion to be learned of all youth next after the little cathechisme, appointed in the Booke of common prayer. 1
BX5139 .N68 1577 A cathechisme, or institution of Christian religion to be learned of all youth next after the little cathechisme, appointed in the Booke of common prayer. 1
BX5139 .N68 1583 Catechismus parvus pueris primúm Latiné qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis 1
BX5139 .N68 1584 Christianæ pietatis prima institutio ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta 1
BX5139 .N68 1608 Christianae pietatis prima institutio, ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta. 1
BX5139 .N68 1621 Christianæ pietatis prima institutio. Ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta. 1
BX5139 .N68 1663 A catechism, or institution of Christian religion to be learned of all youth, next after the little catechism appointed in the Book of common-prayer. 1
BX5139 .N68 1664 Christianæ pietatis prima institutio ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta 1
BX5139 .N68 1670 Christianæ pietatis prima institutio ad usum scholarum : Latine scripta. 1
BX5139 .N68 1673 Kristianimou stoicheiōsis eis tēn tēs paidōn ōpheleian hellēnisi kai latinisi edteth eisa Christianæ pietatis prima institutio ad usum scholarum Gŗecè & Latinè scripta.
Kristianimou stoicheiōsis eis tēn tēs paidōn ōpheleian hellēnisi kai latinisi edteth eisa Christianæ pietatis prima institutio ad usum scholarum Gŗecè & Latinè scripta.
BX5139 .N68 1687 Kristianismou stoicheiōsis eis tēn tēs paidōn ōpheleian hellēnisi kai latinisi ektetheisa Christianæ pietatis prima institutio : ad usum scholarum Græce & Latine scripta.
Catechismus parvus pueris primúm Latiné qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis
BX5139 .N69 1595 Christian[ae] pietatis prima institutio, ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta. 1
BX5139 .O636 1599 Short questions and answeares, conteining the summe of Christian religion: 1
BX5139 .O92 The principles of the doctrine of Christ unfolded in two short catechisms wherein those principles of religion are explained, the knowledge whereof is required by the late ordinance of Parliament, before any person be admitted to the sacrament of the Lords Supper : for the use of several congregations / 2
BX5139 .O93 1700 Dr. John Owen's two short catechisms wherein the principles of the doctine of Christ are unfolded and explained : proper for all persons to learn before they be admitted to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and composed by him for the use of all congregations in general. 2
BX5139 .P37 The Pater noster, the crede, and the commaundementes of God in Englysh, with many other godly lessons ryght necessary for jouthe [sic] and all other to lerne and know, according to the commaundeme[n]t and iniunccions gyuen by thauctoritie of the Kynges highn[ess] through this his realme. 1
BX5139 .P4 1660 The foundation of Christian religion, gathered into six principles. And it is to be learned of ignorant people, that they may be fit to heare sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. 1