Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BX5141 .C8 1982 | A history of Anglican liturgy / | 1 |
BX5141 C8 1982 | A history of Anglican liturgy / | 1 |
BX5141 .D38 1965 | The parson's handbook : practical directions for parsons and others according to the Anglican use, as set forth in the Book of common prayer, on the basis of the twelfth edition / | 1 |
BX5141 .D385 2017 | Alien Rites? : a Critical Examination of Contemporary English in Anglican Liturgies. | 1 |
BX5141 .D47 | A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons Sir Edward Deering, Knight and Baronet, spoken in Parliament concerning the lyturgy of the Church of England and for a nationall synod. | 2 |
BX5141 .D87 | Historia rituum sanctae Ecclesiae Anglicanae ex omni antquitate eruta nec non de jure episcopatus et de origine progressu & rebus gestis sectarum presbyterianae et independentium / | 2 |
BX5141 .E42 | The reasonableness of our Christian service (as it is contained in the Book of Common-Prayer) evidenced and made clear from the authority of Scriptures and practice of the primitive Christians, or, A short rationale upon our morning and evening service as it is now established in the Church of England wherein every sentence therein contained is manifestly proved out of the Holy Bible, or plainly demonstrated to be consonant thereto / | 2 |
BX5141 E5 1662 | Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo quarto. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth day of May, anno Dom. 1661. In the thirteenth year of the reign of our most Gracious Soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c. And there continued till the nineteenth of May, in the 14th year of His Majesties said reign. And thence prorogued to the 18th of February then next following. | 1 |
BX5141 .E53 1645 | By the King. A proclamation commanding the use of the Book of Common-Prayer according to law, notwithstanding the pretended ordinance for the new directory. | 1 |
BX5141 .E53 1688 |
At the court at Whitehall the sixteenth day of February, 1688, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty whereas by the late Act of Uniformity, which establisheth the liturgy .. At the court at Whitehall the sixteenth day of February, 1688, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty whereas by the late Act of Uniformity, which establisheth the liturgy. |
2 |
BX5141 .F35 | Libertas ecclesiastica, or, A discourse vindicating the lawfulness of those things which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its liturgy and worship and manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches / | 2 |
BX5141 .G34 | A discourse about ceremonies, church-government and liturgy humbly offered to the consideration of the convocation / | 2 |
BX5141 .I52 | The Inconsistency of man's Dagon with God's ark, or, [A] Sober discourse, shewing the great sinfulness of humane mixtures in divine worship | 1 |
A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons Sir Edward Deering knight and baronet spoken in Parliament concerning the lyturgy of the Church of England and for a nationall synod. An exposition of the festiuall epistles and gospels vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the church did chuse the same / A moderate, seasonable apology for indulging just Christian liberty to truly tender consciences, conforming to the publike liturgy in not bowing at, or to the name of Jesus, and not kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper, according to His Majesties most gracious declaration to all his loving subjects concerning ecclesiastical affairs ... / A petition for peace with the reformation of the liturgy, as it was presented to the right reverend bishops, by the divines appointed by His Majesties commission to treat with them about the alteration of it. A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God A letter to a friend, containing some quæries about the new commission for making alterations in the liturgy, canons, &c. of the Church of England The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation as also the late Scotch service-book, with all their respective variations : and upon them all annotations, vindictating the Book of common-prayer from the main objections of its adversaries, explicating many parcels thereof hithereto not clearly understood, shewing the conformity it beareth with the primitive practice, and giving a faire prospect into the usages of the ancient church : to these is added at the end, The order of the communion set forth 2 Edward 6 / The third part from S. Iohn Baptists nativitie to the last holy-day in the whole yeere dedicated vnto the right religious and resolute doctor, Mattheuu Sutcliffe, Deane of Exeter / An exposition of the dominical epistles and gospels used in our English liturgie throughout the whole yeare together with a reason why the church did chuse the same / An exposition of al the principal Scriptures vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the church did chuse the same / A fresh suit against human ceremonies in God's vvorship, or, A triplication unto |
11 |
BX5141 .J3 | The churche[s] publick order argued and opened by a second confere[nce] betweene Silvanus and Himeneu[s] ... wherein the ordinances of the Church of Engla[nd for] Gods publick worship are proved to beagreeable to Gods sacred word / | 1 |
BX5141 .J82 | The Judgment of foreign divines concerning the liturgy and ceremonies of the Church of England | 2 |
BX5141 .K56 1694 | A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God | 1 |
BX5141 .L47 1659 |
The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation as also the late Scotch service-book, with all their respective variations : and upon them all annotations, vindictating the Book of common-prayer from the main objections of its adversaries, explicating many parcels thereof hithereto not clearly understood, shewing the conformity it beareth with the primitive practice, and giving a faire prospect into the usages of the ancient church : to these is added at the end, The order of the communion set forth 2 Edward 6 / The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation as also the late Scotch service-book, with all their respective variations : and upon them all annotations, vindictating the Book of common-prayer from the main objections of its adversaries, explicating many parcels thereof hithereto not clearly understood, shewing the conformity it beareth with the primitive practice, and giving a faire prospect into the usages of the ancient church : to these is added at the end, The order of the communion set forth 2 Edward 6 / |
2 |
BX5141 .L47 1699 | The alliance of divine offices exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation : as also the late Scotch service-book, with all their respective variations, and upon them all, annotations vindicating the Book of common-prayer from the main objections of its adversaries ... : to these is added, the order of the Communion , set forth 2 Edward VI / | 1 |
BX5141 .L48 | A debate concerning the English liturgy, both as established in & as abolished out of the worship of God drawn out in two English & two Latine epistles / | 2 |